Hello fellow writers and readers! I, IHeart_Anime welcome you to my account, I hope it isn't too cramp and your stay here is permanent- ahem! I mean, I hope your stay here will become memorable...

Let me tell you a little about myself;

My hobbies are reading, writing, playing video games and stalk-I mean research!

I mostly read fanfiction, reincarnated stories, fantasy and adventure.

I favor many colors but my most favorite color(s) are silver, pink, gold and white.

I like both cats and dogs and I personally have four cats; Athena (mother), Pitch (oldest twin brother), Prince (youngest twin brother), and Garfield (youngest brother), all were named by my siblings since they mostly exclude me in those types of things....😑

I'm currently in early college and if anyone is wondering, it's stressful, challenging but also lots of fun, plus the food is delicious.😋

If you're also wondering on how I look like, I have light blonde hair and blue eyes with a little green in them. Depending on the lighting they will either be more green or more blue. I'm Five' nine (5'9) and also Ukrainian NOT Russian!!!
(My friends call me Russian to get on my nerves, them Americans *shakes head*...🙎)

I speak Ukrainian, Russian and English.

That's all about for now, I hope your stay was nice and if you became a follower of mine
THANK YOU!!! and here's a cookie for your generosity and kindness 🍪
  • JoinedJune 10, 2016