
Tweet book related to stories coming soon!


3 Stories are being unpublished until further notice!
          -Kiss me you animal | Dekunight  for editing, deletion or more time to write new chapters.
          -I wanna Boi | Aizawa x M!reader for rewrite and editing or deletion. 
          -Dinner & Diatribes | Dekunight for rewrite and editing.
          2 Books on hold till further notice!
          -"Opposites attract I guess?" | Micdeku for further editing and writing
          -Dark Beach | Aideku for more time to write multiple chapters
          Other updates coming soon!


Happy Instead | MicDeku is also on hold for editing and writing!


Hey y'all sorry I haven't been posting much, I've had school, family and some personal stuff going on. (Mostly good don't worry) I have a break from everything coming up in the next couple weeks and I'm planning on sitting down and writing and editing my stories. 
          So updates coming soon!


            Hope your feeling well 
            And I'm sooo excited 