
Well, it has certainly been a minute, Wattpad friends. Since I last published anything, I’ve done a tour in the Middle East and moved to Japan for the next few years. But the writing bug bit me again, and before I sink into deeper waters and pick The Gravity Myth back up, I decided to re-sharpen my chops with a short story.
          	If you’ve read me before, you know my horror trends more toward the A24 vibe. But this time I wanted to try my hand at something a little more Blumhouse, so I went with a straight-up old school haunted woods story.
          	Just in time for Halloween, based on a real life East Texas phenomenon, here’s The Light At Saratoga.


Well, it has certainly been a minute, Wattpad friends. Since I last published anything, I’ve done a tour in the Middle East and moved to Japan for the next few years. But the writing bug bit me again, and before I sink into deeper waters and pick The Gravity Myth back up, I decided to re-sharpen my chops with a short story.
          If you’ve read me before, you know my horror trends more toward the A24 vibe. But this time I wanted to try my hand at something a little more Blumhouse, so I went with a straight-up old school haunted woods story.
          Just in time for Halloween, based on a real life East Texas phenomenon, here’s The Light At Saratoga.


Oh you're welcome!
          I know you said that you haven't written anything in years but I seriously hope that this particular book one day might be turned into a film


@JuanitaMorgan9 That would be a dream, especially as I gather as much inspiration from screen writing as I do literature. I’m also a huge A24 horror fan, films like The Witch and Midsommar, which I think kind of influences my taste as well.


Mr. Cooper!!! Coming by to say thanks for adding “The girl” and leaving some comments. I’ll be answering each one of them religiously! So glad to ser you back, Ian. Now, not a rush, but gimme something good to read, man! You are top notch on the Dark Side of Wattpad and you know it! Much love! 


@LynnS13 I’m loving it so far! Can’t wait to see how it all ties together, but as always you have a wonderful voice that keeps the pages turning.


I was wondering why my email was blowing up with Wattpad stuff since I haven’t written anything in 2 years… turns out some Wattpad ambassador profiles added Birthright to some reading lists and it kinda blew up again. I’m really touched that it struck a nerve to be remembered almost 5 years since I wrote it. Can’t promise anything, but it makes me want to dive back in and finish what I started 2 years ago in The Gravity Myth. Much love!


@rskovach wow lol that’s crazy! Thanks for letting me know. Hope you’re doing awesome too


@IanRCooper it's on the Editor's Picks swim lane on the home page! Congrats!!


@Nacht_Owl @dtaylorbooks_ Thank you both! I’m definitely getting the inspiration to tackle writing once again. 


Being a horror fan, I’ve been pretty big into Blumhouse, so when I heard they were holding a competition, I had to write something up.
          If you’ve written an entry too, let me know in the comments and I’ll be happy to check it out. Best of luck everyone!


@IanRCooper I’m so glad to see you dive into this competition! With our love of horror, it just feels right. Right? :)


@Nyhterides Hey, when inspiration strikes, you gotta run with it!


@IanRCooper Hey Ian. I wrote one too even though I can't take part due to location. It's called Itch and it's in a collection titled The Day The Sun Exploded. :)