
Bro, found your tlou stories and I’m loving them! Don’t listen to them crazy ass LGTB people fighting because of a change of creative ideas of a character, you’re staying true to her essence and that’s what I love about your book and your writing.
          Trust me, I had that backlash with one of my books because a reader didn’t like the fact that one of my OC was a lesbian, my own OC!
          Keep your head up and keep the great work, from one writer to the other, you’re doing an awesome job! 


@Papacho2400  That's crazy about your OWN OC but some people be crazy like that. Thanks for the nice words~ :)


@ItsyabouDylan_1997 Yo dude, wanted to let you know I seriously enjoyed your stories. Had a blast reading them and are some of the best out there in the TLOU fanfics!