✧・゚*₊˚༄ RANT AHEAD
          	just found out that my most popular book is getting plagiarized AGAIN. like, WHY??? what is wrong with some people?? it is fine to get inspired by my book; in all honesty, i'm flattered by it. but copying lines, sentences, entire CHAPTERS is not 'getting inspired'! it's plagiarism!
          	i've had messages from some very sweet people even asking me if it was okay to be inspired by my writing. it is completely fine. nobody needs to ask for my permission when they want to be inspired by my books. but to outright steal it is not okay! i'm just so so so so thankful that some people are kind enough to let me know whenever they think my work's being stolen, because if not for them, i wouldn't have known.
          	anyway, i will deal with this issue. i will talk to the author. if things go well, then i'll chill out. but if not, or if i find out that my work's being stolen again, i'm gonna start posting links to their work along with their usernames. wonder what'll happen if 3k+ people found out. 
          	honestly speaking, stuff like this makes me lose inspiration to write because, well, what if it gets stolen again? like, i know that it's kind of inevitable when your book gets popular, but still.
          	thank you, and good afternoon from me. <33


@JNKLOVEBOT Oh no, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I can't understand why people think this is ok. 


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I hope they take it down. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


✧・゚*₊˚༄ RANT AHEAD
          just found out that my most popular book is getting plagiarized AGAIN. like, WHY??? what is wrong with some people?? it is fine to get inspired by my book; in all honesty, i'm flattered by it. but copying lines, sentences, entire CHAPTERS is not 'getting inspired'! it's plagiarism!
          i've had messages from some very sweet people even asking me if it was okay to be inspired by my writing. it is completely fine. nobody needs to ask for my permission when they want to be inspired by my books. but to outright steal it is not okay! i'm just so so so so thankful that some people are kind enough to let me know whenever they think my work's being stolen, because if not for them, i wouldn't have known.
          anyway, i will deal with this issue. i will talk to the author. if things go well, then i'll chill out. but if not, or if i find out that my work's being stolen again, i'm gonna start posting links to their work along with their usernames. wonder what'll happen if 3k+ people found out. 
          honestly speaking, stuff like this makes me lose inspiration to write because, well, what if it gets stolen again? like, i know that it's kind of inevitable when your book gets popular, but still.
          thank you, and good afternoon from me. <33


@JNKLOVEBOT Oh no, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I can't understand why people think this is ok. 


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I hope they take it down. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


me reading all your books after i finished evergreen bc that book is so good 


@Amaya_Rites it’s literally some of the best writing i’ve seen on this app 


@athenascreation IKR evergreen is so good