
So decided to publish the BTS Imagines Collection(combination of all four books) maybe December or January. It’s just too much plus keeping up with the other books AND taking care of my baby. It’s not difficult, I just want to take my time to make sure it’s better than what I have published so far. I’m trying to grow in writing and I don’t want to make the same mistakes. Expect more updates on the other books <3 


So decided to publish the BTS Imagines Collection(combination of all four books) maybe December or January. It’s just too much plus keeping up with the other books AND taking care of my baby. It’s not difficult, I just want to take my time to make sure it’s better than what I have published so far. I’m trying to grow in writing and I don’t want to make the same mistakes. Expect more updates on the other books <3 


What In The Fifty Shades Of Grey is this? Red Lights? Bang Chan and Hyunjin? I’m obsessed.


It literally made me think of Stockholm syndrome like when a girl gets kidnapped and she ends up falling in love with her kidnapper  


Who has the nerve to shame someone for being a single mother? Everyone has a story and it’s no ones business to comment their “opinion”. Whether it’s friends, family members, or even strangers, some people don’t like the idea of someone being a single parent. A friend of mine has experienced her first horrible encounter with an estranged family member and they decided it was wrong on her part for not being with the father of her baby. They don’t know the whole story so why comment on it? This infuriates me because I’ve experienced it as well and it made me feel horrible even though I had no control over it. No one should feel ashamed for being a single parent. It’s possible to give your child/children a great life on your own (or if you’re co-parenting) and if you have help then that’s totally fine too. No need to be rude.


@JiminsJams97 I totally agree people these days don't know how to mind their business and stop judging others you never know someone else's situation everyone is different. My mom is a single mom so I know the shameful comments and looks from people she got as I grew up. Single parents are just if not more hardworking and caring. Never feel horrible about what people say because they're miserable and don't matter I'm positive you and your friend are awesome parents keep doing an amazing job because your children's love trumps all the hate and that's all that matters. ❤️


NOEASY Stray Kids....gonna annoy my baby by repeating the damn songs.
          Anyway, go stream!


@JiminsJams97 You and me both, it's absolutely amazing ❤   ♥ 


I can’t believe in just four days, it’ll be a year since my husband’s passing. It’ll also be a year since finding out I’d be having my baby Matthew. And in four days, baby Matthew will be four months. So much can happen in a year. It’s so scary but I’m so in love with my baby and even though I’m always wishing for my husband to be with us, I love having Matthew to myself. He’s my little mini me. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything. 
          P.S. His hair has grown out a little bit, it’s even more curly, and he likes to pull it. He likes sticking his tongue out. His eyes are big and even has long eyelashes. I’m jealous.


@JiminsJams97 Oh my god!!! I have brown hair but in the sunlight my eyes change colour, from black to brown.... Pull his cheeks on my behalf and hope all are fine there ☺️


@JiminsJams97  hope ur little bean is okay, and as well as you ♡


@fanfic123ann his hair is black and curly and his eyes are brown  but they look black (: