
Do you mind sharing your favorite books of all time with me? I want inspiration 


@Jinx-01 That's cool! Is it the one starring Meagan Follows? I love that. That one was filmed on Prince Edward Island back in the 80's. I believe that's where the author also lived. I used to believe I'd meet my own "Gilbert Blythe" LOL! But yes he's only a fictional character. 
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@Jinx-01 Lord of the Rings I find works really well on audiobook as its a book best read aloud if you know what I mean. The Silmarillion too, which I prefer as there is more Elf action in it lol.
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@Glory_feeling2 I found the TV show made after Anne of the green gables very cute. Definitely adding this on the for next year
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Do you mind sharing your favorite books of all time with me? I want inspiration 


@Jinx-01 That's cool! Is it the one starring Meagan Follows? I love that. That one was filmed on Prince Edward Island back in the 80's. I believe that's where the author also lived. I used to believe I'd meet my own "Gilbert Blythe" LOL! But yes he's only a fictional character. 
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@Jinx-01 Lord of the Rings I find works really well on audiobook as its a book best read aloud if you know what I mean. The Silmarillion too, which I prefer as there is more Elf action in it lol.
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@Glory_feeling2 I found the TV show made after Anne of the green gables very cute. Definitely adding this on the for next year
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Hi, if you want to help me with a school project by filling out this questionnaire it would be great. It's about mafia romance. 
          I deal with the role of women in mafia organizations. given that mafia romances were born recently and are very common here on wattpad, I wanted to know the readers and writers' point of view.
          If you want to answer, I created a questionnaire to make it easier to save your answers. otherwise I will give you my instagram.   
           my deadline is May 20th  


Shootout to this book club. If you have a mature book(not only) and want to have fun reading give this a shot.


@Jinx-01 This looks interesting! Have to check it better at some point. :)
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Does one of you want to be Godoread friends? 


I am in the mood for a fantasy romance/fantasy bonus points if it's werewolf. If you have one, reply and I will read the first chapter and comment on it.