
          	So, I've done it! I've made my own little profile with my books up on Inkitt under the same name, so chapter updates will continue normally there as well as the upcoming Erotica-Romance I intend on publishing on that platform (considering I'd like to not get sniped by Wattpad here). In a way, exclusivity? 
          	Inkitt is a pretty easy navigation, similar to Wattpad, and kind of like Patreon with your own user-based funding: Propose a subscription and readers may pay to receive benefits you give. Very cool since you don't have to rely too much on Wattpad themselves to help fund you or go through a bunch of hurdles to get into the Paid Programme, etc. 
          	I'm basically a baby on Inkitt starting fresh now lol so if anyone here knows and are on Inkitt, I'd love to link up there too!
          	You can search up my user handle on Inkitt as "joellesc" and you'll find that familiar barn owl profile lol, see you guys!


@-vintagesweetheart No problem! Very awesome to be able to check out another author!


@JoelleSC hey, hey! thank you for following me on inkitt and adding my book to your reading list! really appreciated it!


@ZenCave For sure! You can look me up on Inkitt when you get on, or I'll find you when I can. See you there!


Are you still updating stories like Dinosaurs Don’t Dance on Wattpad, or are they now only going to update on Inkitt? 


@WendyyWolfe Everyone’s own preferences, I suppose. I've eventually stopped progressing my stories for irl reasons lol but seeing how Wattpad had progressed recently just further diminishes aspiring writers that have great potential / actuslly good writers in leeway for monetary gain. Wattpad used to be a very cool place for everyone, but I guess this is just one of the many instances of what happens when hard competition and money are involved. Still, it's great to see you and some authors out there still going strong on this platform! I'm rooting for you and wishing you the best of luck on other platforms doing what you do best—supporting the little guys!


            Thanks friend. I have recently made profiles at 3 other sites and have started sharing my works at those places bc why not? As you said I think WP will eventually feel the burn....and good to hear from you toooo!


            Same. I have begun the migration too. Mine were Shadowbanned and have-- nothing. Nothing but a couple of kisses. They still have no rankings back. So it's useless for me to be here. A lot of hard work for this outcome? Nope. 


          So, I've done it! I've made my own little profile with my books up on Inkitt under the same name, so chapter updates will continue normally there as well as the upcoming Erotica-Romance I intend on publishing on that platform (considering I'd like to not get sniped by Wattpad here). In a way, exclusivity? 
          Inkitt is a pretty easy navigation, similar to Wattpad, and kind of like Patreon with your own user-based funding: Propose a subscription and readers may pay to receive benefits you give. Very cool since you don't have to rely too much on Wattpad themselves to help fund you or go through a bunch of hurdles to get into the Paid Programme, etc. 
          I'm basically a baby on Inkitt starting fresh now lol so if anyone here knows and are on Inkitt, I'd love to link up there too!
          You can search up my user handle on Inkitt as "joellesc" and you'll find that familiar barn owl profile lol, see you guys!


@-vintagesweetheart No problem! Very awesome to be able to check out another author!


@JoelleSC hey, hey! thank you for following me on inkitt and adding my book to your reading list! really appreciated it!


@ZenCave For sure! You can look me up on Inkitt when you get on, or I'll find you when I can. See you there!


          I don't usually make announcements that are anything but chapter updates, but this is important news that I should address and whether or not I'm gonna stay on this platform.
          For those who don't know; Wattpad recently begun shadow banning and deleting stories as well as authors without real manual review. One can only suspect they just gave it one glance, searched "his smoldering eyes" and BAM! Removed! Some, without reason but nothing short of an AI poorly programmed to spot check published works that resulted in our author calamity version of "The Purge" where efforts are being taken down unjustified. Especially with authors who hadn't violated any of Wattpad's guidelines to evoke this, but even without provoking it, you get caught in the crossfire anyways. This and plenty of other problems that I'm too lazy to type in.
          They've been trying for so long to mitigate the problem(s) and finally when it came "nipping it in the bud", they basically killed the whole garden.
          Great works from amazing authors were and are being shot down. From what I heard, some of the staff had been sacked. I can't say for certain what the future of Wattpad will be, but they had just lost the loyalty of... a lot of people.

          Which comes to what MY future on Wattpad will be!
          My authorship on Wattpad is a baby lol it's only last year that I started taking writing seriously so I'm not too hung up on leaving this platform should that be.
          In short:
          - I will keep my account here and be in touch with you guys, and provide announcements of my authorship in the future.
          - All my Wattpad stories are paused (except Liquor + Love, I gotta finish that lol)
          - Golden Bubbles is discontinued indefinitely.
          - If Wattpad improves, updates will continue.
          - I will also slowly migrate to other story platforms such as Ao3, Inkitt, heard Kerning is upcoming, Royal Road, etc.
          With that, thank you everyone! Now go to a hooters or something


@TheSpicyFrappuccino Yeah, I sincerely apologise for that but it's lovely to know you like Liquor + Love lol


this message may be offensive
Sad you're discontinuing golden bubbles, but I'm eating that liquor and love shit right up


@Hirokatsu800 You're making a comeback fr HELL YEAH


How did you make your book covers? I used and AI art generator for mine, but I want to try something else.


@S4mTheM4N I used Canva as my design tool to create the book covers. It has premade designs, free assets, very easy to use, and simple UI navigation. I've been using it for my design assignments in architecture as well lol so it'll be no problem for you
            If you need help in coming up a design, the pre-made book covers may help, or you may also search up some book covers in other platforms or search engines for inspiration!


          It's been a while, I've been writing, relaxing (too much), reading, and through it I've managed to find out that three of my published works had scored and won at a few user-based contests! The contests I've participated and won recognition for are within my Achievements reading list if you want to check them out. Very proud that my work has been recognised and reviewed, and it's been awesome to be able to read other aspiring authors' works in the mix.
          The highlight, however, is the Open Novella Contest 2024, one of the biggest Ambassador contests.
          I wanted to announce my excitement earlier but I got lazy lol. "Liquor + Love" has passed Round 1, qualified and had been submitted for Round 2, and it couldn't have been more shocking to see that  it won the Ambassador's Pick. Couldn't be more proud, and I could only offer a big congratulations to other Ambassador 's Picks, Round 1 winners, and the 600 or so qualifiers that made Round 2!
          Besides that, it's back to writing up the chapters for Dinosaurs Don't Dance. I haven't forgotten that, but it has been a wonderful break from it and it's been fun to mess around with a Chicklit story and trying to find out how I could write that particular story. After maybe like five chapters or something, I'll go back to continuing to write up Liquor + Love!
          • ──────────── •
          LIQUOR + LOVE

          • ──────────── •
          (I'd provide the links as usual but word cap was exceeded lol)
          Chapter 1 - A Small Act of Retaliation
          Chapter 2 - Live In Infamy
          Chapter 3 - Media Circus
          Chapter 4 - Mr. Powers
          Chapter 5 - Chardonnay


            Yes many congratulations!! 


          Damn near forgot to actually write this out and rushing this at the last second LOL here's Liquor + Love for this years Open Novella Contest! I've never written a novella before, and it's probably gonna be a whole new thing to tackle trying to compact everything into a 20k - 40k words total of a book. Either way, I'm gonna have fun writing up short chapters for a short book!
          As for Dinosaurs Don't Dance, I've just a few drafts up that I believe could finish within the week to touch up before release so I could put more focus on the ONC entry in the meantime. Damn it's been a hot minute and made a late update for the book too
          • ──────────── •
          LIQUOR + LOVE  #ONC2024)

          • ──────────── •
          Chapter 20 - Left For Dead

          Chapter 21 - Guilty Conscience


@Ilikebrownies123456 Thank you! I very much apologise for the long delay of chapters for Liquor + Love, so hopefully I can get them all running for this March


@JoelleSC I can't wait to read it!!!! I'm busy rn but I'll read it when I get the chance! I've been waiting and it sounds really good.