
Savant Awards is here again with a new peachy twist! We're looking for judges to join our wonderful team! Interested people kindly go and check it out! <3 <3


To those struggling with worldbuilding, geography and climates in your stories:
          The SG community  has just posted a new article on how to use Geography in Worldbuilding. In this article, they've covered some tips on how to get started with creating a climate for your own story, as well as some guiding questions as you go about doing it. You can read the full article in SGM: 


Hello Lovely People! I hope everyone is doing fine.
          The Little Red Riding Hood: A Story Retold is now out in wattpad. This was a contest entry for Battle graves and I would love to hear your thoughts on the  short story. I hope you enjoy reading this <3


          — Cendrillon has finally risen and rebuilt. We welcome you to our Empire and join us for this quest. We await your presence, see you soon dearest Acolyte.
          ❝ They made us fail, crushing down our defenses and watched us fall. Hence we stand before them, about to rule our own realm. 
          Thus we have awoke from our slumber, a new beginning, a new era. We have risen from the depths of the darkness they have pushed us to. And yet we are here about to commence a new war, a new reason. Cendrillon will always and for eternity continue to rise even after stumbling and being pushed upon on. Giving up is never an option, we take rest and we rise again. 
          Cendrillon is not only a word, it's a goal. It's a bond, a strong string keeping us together. That no matter how hard the challenge we may face, there is nothing that can break us. 
          Join us, help us fight the war. ❞