
Hello my sweet readers/friends!
          	I just updated ‘dear diary’ and will try and update some more tomorrow. Monday I will undergo surgery which was moved to upcoming Monday instead in a week and a half, so I didn’t really have time to prepare and write in advance, but I will be publishing soon again, I promise!
          	Apologies for that but I bet you won’t notice since I will try and publish more tomorrow so that there isn’t a gap in the schedule. 
          	Cya soon fella’s, wish me luck!


@ Just_a_genius_1D  thank you xx
          	  Hope youre gonna be completly fine, and have a great recovery xx


@Sarah_Horanson  I’m alright love, thank you so much for the sweetness of checking up on me. I had a a gastrointestinal examination if that is the right translation haha I’m doing alright now and waiting on some results  <3 all the love to you


@ Just_a_genius_1D  OMC are you okay? What do you need surgery for?? Are you gonna be okay??


Hello my sweet readers/friends!
          I just updated ‘dear diary’ and will try and update some more tomorrow. Monday I will undergo surgery which was moved to upcoming Monday instead in a week and a half, so I didn’t really have time to prepare and write in advance, but I will be publishing soon again, I promise!
          Apologies for that but I bet you won’t notice since I will try and publish more tomorrow so that there isn’t a gap in the schedule. 
          Cya soon fella’s, wish me luck!


@ Just_a_genius_1D  thank you xx
            Hope youre gonna be completly fine, and have a great recovery xx


@Sarah_Horanson  I’m alright love, thank you so much for the sweetness of checking up on me. I had a a gastrointestinal examination if that is the right translation haha I’m doing alright now and waiting on some results  <3 all the love to you


@ Just_a_genius_1D  OMC are you okay? What do you need surgery for?? Are you gonna be okay??


          Gonna update the stories upcoming weekend! School just started and needed to focus on that but stay tuned and don’t worry!
          Wait for me fella’ssss, it will be the weekend before you know it!


          As you might have noticed there weren’t updates last weekend, catched a stomach bug and it’s still bugging me, my apologies! When I’m feeling better I will update, hope upcoming weekend! I don’t want to make empty promises but thanks for still being here on this journey with me through good, bad and waiting, can’t wait for publishing updates again and for ya’ll to be able to read and enjoy!
          My apologies, I say that a lot but oh well, can’t help my life is like a chaotic movie haha, cya real soon lovelies, wanted to keep in touch to tell ya this! <3
          Until soon!


Get well soon, I hope you get better soon


I hope you’ll feel better soon<3 and no worries, u can update when u feel like it, we’ll be waiting! ❤️@Just_a_genius_1D


Hello lovely people!
          My aunt it getting married tomorrow so gonna read all comments and publish chapters on Sunday, two days from now! 
          My apologies, stay tuned and it’s worth the wait!
          Love ya’ll and hope you don’t mind waiting for two more days!


@Just_a_genius_1D yay!! Good luck for ur aunt;) can’t wait for updates!


Heya lads,
          Updates coming soon, normally would have published last weekend but school is draining and wearing me out haha, catch ya soon and love the support, ya’ll are amazing!


You’re amazayn too:) Love ur stories and can’t wait for an update! <3@Just_a_genius_1D


          ‘My Little Kitten’ is finished! A never ending story that ends here, for now at least. Changed my profile picture and background as well if you hadn’t noticed yet! Hope to cya soon at another story, I’m not done writing ;)
          Have a lovely day and keep ya head up! 