

Thanks for adding The Taste of Home to your reading list!


Yeah! It’s such a fun description xD
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Hi author! I found your work The New Kid is interesting. I’m a scout talent from an online reading platform and currently, we are looking for lots of good werewolf stories! Of course, we offer lots of benefits for our author and we have several promotions that can help your story get more readers! Please send me a DM for more info and we will talk more there. Thank you!


Hola, new friend! I noticed on your profile that you like paranormal romance, and I was wondering, is there any chance we can do a critique for critique? Like, I'll read the first three chapters of any of your books and tell you what I think, and you can do the same with my book? Thanks and I await your response!


Thank you for adding "Those Who Struggle" to your reading list! I was pleasantly surprised to see that notification, so thank you so much! ^_^


@Kat-Sharp Ah, thank you for asking! People definitely prefer different things, so I tend to ask that myself, as well! But honestly, I'm open to anything! I just appreciate you even considering checking it out, so whatever is easiest for you ^_^ Thanks again!!
जवाब दें


@BlameSaiki Oh, hooray! :O I need to set aside some time to check it out!
            Quick question – do you prefer feedback/critique from your readers, or do you mostly want me to comment on stuff I like? :) I am trying to be better about asking because I know everyone's at different places in their writing!
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I've published 15,000 words on Closer To The Sun in two weeks! It's my first time publishing a romance story and I'm having so much fun with it! If you have space on your reading list, I'd love to know what you think! <3


Have you encountered a Wattpad bug where you can't add a new story part? It's driving me nuts! I haven't been able to create a new story part on "Closer To The Sun" for three days... >.>


@Kat-Sharp *insert a very angry face here*
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@DavidFoxx oh lordy, I get that bug too. This friggin website, I swear 
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@Kat-Sharp yes, it says Saving and it does nothing...
            Is that the case with you too?
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Thank you @AshlynForge for the in-depth critique of the first chapters of "Getting Along!" I've already made some quick edits and the chapters feel tighter and more descriptive!


@Kat-Sharp thank you for the recommendation <3
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If you're looking for a great critique to improve your writing, check out her book "Manuscript Critique!"
जवाब दें


Thank you for the votes and follows Kat Sharp.  I'm reworking these chapters pretty heavily right now.  Very happy you found something you liked.


@DiscoWerewolf Yes! Thanks for the reminder; I need to check to make sure I've added it to my reading list. The story is refreshingly well-written! Very much looking forward to continuing.
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