
Hello! Just wanted to thank you for finding and reading my story Found In Darkness ❤️ I appreciate all the votes too! ☺️


@Kelbabyblue lol Wattpad definitely acts up! I guess only the red hearts typically show up (when they feel like it lol) 
            I didn’t take your comment badly at all❤️ I just chuckle bc most readers comment how annoying Joey is at the beginning and some even hate him and then by the end he’s a favorite! :) 


@LJRae0328 oh, I hope you didn't take that comment in a bad way. I just meant I hate he had to die it was sad and I wish he could have met his baby. No hate towards your decision I just got attached to the characters and it hurt lol. I can't wait to read the epilogue when it's finished. 
            I read the few chapters of Yours to break earlier and it seems to be an interesting read, can't wait to read more. More characters for me to get attached to. I'd add lots of hearts here but I still haven't figured out how to add emojis to comments on wattpad lol. Every time I add one it just disappears when I post. 
            I'm starting Imperfect fit next and can't wait to see where it goes.


@Kelbabyblue Im so glad you enjoyed their story/journey! I’m still working on the epilogue ☺️
            ❤️ you’re a fast reader!! And yes I get a lot of heat for Joey  don’t every feel like you have to hold back on telling me what you think! I appreciate all feedback! I love writing dark mafia romances but I try really hard not to glamorize the mafia world/lifestyle and focus on the relationships and also the hardships and cruel realities of that come with that life. 
            Yours to break is on hold ATM but I’m working offline on it. I have only been writing for a few years and am constantly looking for ways to get better and I want to revamp the direction I was going with that story initially and it’s looking like it will be another duology
            Im the meantime, my on going Nano story and my ONC story are completely opposite and more lighthearted LOL 
            I can’t express enough how grateful I am for you taking the time to read my stories and immerse yourself in the characters and their world!❤️
            Thank you! Thank you!❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for reading Raincheck!


@Kelbabyblue I hope you love it!


@belleofmarvel I added it to my reading list can't wait to start that one...I'm just catching up on raincheck first, loving it btw!!


@Kelbabyblue I have one story whose first book is completed. It’s a CE AU called Every New Beginning. But spoiler…there’s a second lol