
Hey loves,
          	here just a little update from me, I am honestly so lost, I have no idea what to write and when I write, nothing good comes out, so I will try to come up with new ideas for y'all. Requests and ideas are always welcome!
          	Lisa <3


Hey loves,
          here just a little update from me, I am honestly so lost, I have no idea what to write and when I write, nothing good comes out, so I will try to come up with new ideas for y'all. Requests and ideas are always welcome!
          Lisa <3


Hello I love your storys they're amazing I 100% love the narcissa x Bellatrix x y/n one's they're my favorites so far your a amazing writer 


 no problem ❤️❤️


Thank you!!❤️❤️


Hey everyone!
          I am so sorry for not posting a lot these days, some things have been troubling me including my mental issues and the death of a teammate of mine, I promise you i’ll update as soon as possible.
          Love y’all❤️


@Storieslab03 oh no! Hope things turn around soon! Sorry for your loss


          Just wanted to say I read your two books with Bella and I loved them. But to the story with Cissa, omg these plot twists I love them. I beg you please write another story with Bella or with both of them Bella and Cissa.
          PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Of course I mean they were sooooooooooo good Fr. I'm so glad you write some new books. I'm literally sooooooooooo excited I swear to God 


Heyyy! That’s so sweet to hear! Currently I am writing two books, one is “she’s crazy ~ Bellatrix Black” and the other is “Connection ~ Bellatrix and Narcissa Black” they’ll come as soon as possible!!!❤️❤️


Hey everyone!
          So I have a little problem, I am in my resort for vacation and I planned on writing but then we saw that wifi costs money, so we bought wifi and turns out, one code is for 1 device and it is connected to my phone. 
          So back to the point, I can’t write or publish on my pc, writing on my phone will take six times as long as writing on my pc, so I’ll be offline for 1,5 weeks now and hopefully come back with many parts as compensation for y’alls wait
          I’ll try to keep y’all updated!
          I am so, so, so sorry!
          Lisa <33
          Love y’all