
Currently working on Dark Side Of Knight - Chapter 6 as well as the new chapter for Tangled Thoughts, Angel Of Death, and Ultimate Sacrifice. Hoping to have all four chapters up today. ❤️❤️


 ݊    ꒰ㅤ DEEP DIVE ㅤ꒱ㅤ something mysterious that the Queens of  Marina ᭡ have been talking about.
          The letters ◞ ◟ go out and it's something in the new libraryㅤ ੭୧
          “The empty bookshelf behind you is waiting for books to ☆★ compete each week, win the hearts of our sharks . ⇄ . who would be judging and achieve a deserving place in this book shelf”  Queen Keeya ꔫ tells everyone at the inauguration of the library. 
          ᶻ z  what are you waiting for then, dive into the water to Marina, swim across the kingdom to ╰╮ Deep Dive ﹗
          Prove your ،، ˖ books  are worthy of the bookshelf in the library, and win our shark's take on any aspect of your book ﹑ᝰ
          link ::


Dylan and Dawson's books started yet?


Actually Dawson’s is halfway written but what I have will be up here in a bit. 


Yeah. I actually had them up for 6 months before I recently took them down to edit. They’ll be up here in a few hours. ❤️❤️


Reaper’s War is slowly being Published again. I’ve revamped it and some chapters have changed some or have changed completely. But it’s been edited, just have to republish it back onto Wattpad. Bear with me. ❤️❤️


There was a laughing face in that message. 


@NaomiMara16 Haha. My brain was either they hit send by accident, it’s an invisible text, or an emoji. Lmfao. 


@Life_Under_The_Stars  it was a smiley face. It failed lol


Updates: I’m still recovering from surgery. Which went well. Surgeon said the way we decided to go was the best procedure to go. The tumor was larger than the scans and tests actually shown. They also didn’t haven’t to remove my uterus. He said it was actually health but it’ll take 6 months for it heal fully and go back to its original size. Im out of work for 6 plus weeks due to I’m on a very restricted rules. For instance, I can’t sit at work throughout my shift and that’s what my doctor wants me to do. It’s the only way I can return back to work in 3 ish weeks. Since work can’t do such a thing; I’m not able to return back to work for a month and half to two months. Which is okay with me, gives me time to fully recover and get my strength back. 
          So, that being said: I should be updating books here soon. As in the next few days. Start to finish up my ONC book. Haha. But anyways, I’m doing okay. And I’m slowly active today on here so I wanted to let everyone know how I’m doing. <3


@Life_Under_The_Stars  Beterschap! Get well soon! Bon rétablissement! Que te mejores pronto! Etc.


@43001ikke I’m going okay. The lower part of my incision isn’t healed yet. But I’m doing okay. ❤️