
Happy Weekend, everyone! I hope you're all doing well? 
          	I'm dropping in to say a big thank you for the 30k reads on THIS POISONED TIDE! 
          	For all of those who have saved the book in their libraries and reading lists, don't forget Elara and Juda's story is now complete (albeit book 1) and completely free to read. 
          	Unfortunately, I don't have any writing updates, but I've got two stories in the mix—book 2 of THE LAST WATER WITCH and a hot and heavy adult romance set in sizzling Seville. 
          	In the meantime, if you aren't already reading WICKED IS THE CURSE by @saoimarie, and you love a gritty but beautifully epic fantasy story, then this one is definitely for you! 


@LittleCinnamon Ah that one. Oooh I can't wait! 


@QueenChaotic15 I think we might have discussed it quite a while ago… it’s the same one I was thinking about writing that felt out of my comfort zone. 


Hey lovely! 
          It’s taken me a while to get there, but I’ve finally finished The Whitechapel Chronicles. My god, woman, you have taken me on one hell of a ride. Ive not cried so much reading a story in a while. The end of Savage Wings broke me, anxiety levels hit a new high and I was on the verge of full on ranting at you because I was panicking where it was going lol. But it’s all good.
          Thank you so much for bringing Megan, Harper, Garrick, Brandon, even Fenton, into our lives. Oh, and let’s not forget cute Lucius. 


@LittleCinnamon There was no way I wouldn’t see it through to the end, yes it may have been long, but a remarkable series nonetheless. You know I’m an avid reader of your stories and I’ll always be here to support your writing. 


Hello love! Hope you’re doing well. Thank you SO much for seeing it through to the end. I know it’s a bit of a mammoth read lol. It feels like a lifetime ago when I wrote Whitechapel so I’m always supper happy when someone finds it and still enjoys the story all these years later. Thank you for reading, it’s very much appreciated ❤️


@LittleCinnamon Hey author I just finished reading A Feast Of Souls. You truly have a great imagination and creativity to write something like that. I really fell in love with that book. It is just amazing and it really deserves to be published. Please do continue writing more such awesome books on Paranormal,Gothic romance. It's my favorite genre.Wish you all the best for your upcoming works.


Thank you so much for your kind comments and apologies for taking so long to reply. 


Hey lovely! 
          I’ve just binged the last few chapters of Wastelands and what a ride they were. I went from loving Tom, to hating, to loving him again. It took me a while to read it, apologies for that, but I finally got there.
          Sci-fi is not usually a genre I read, but it’s you so how could I not? Just like with all your other stories I’ve read, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I still need to finish Savage Wings and then it’s onto This Poisoned Tide.


@AshleyKalandras I don’t feel Wattpad is the best platform for the story. I haven’t made any decisions as yet so it’ll remain here for the time being. 


Hi,  I have read some of your books and they are really amazing, but I'm wondering if you do  any ghost-writing, if you would like to chat about it please email me I have a story that needs a lot of TLC and I pay per chapter.  


Hi Roisin, thank you for the kind words! Unfortunately, ghostwriting isn’t something I do, but I’m wishing you the best of luck with your story and I hope you find the help you need. 


Happy Weekend, everyone! I hope you're all doing well? 
          I'm dropping in to say a big thank you for the 30k reads on THIS POISONED TIDE! 
          For all of those who have saved the book in their libraries and reading lists, don't forget Elara and Juda's story is now complete (albeit book 1) and completely free to read. 
          Unfortunately, I don't have any writing updates, but I've got two stories in the mix—book 2 of THE LAST WATER WITCH and a hot and heavy adult romance set in sizzling Seville. 
          In the meantime, if you aren't already reading WICKED IS THE CURSE by @saoimarie, and you love a gritty but beautifully epic fantasy story, then this one is definitely for you! 


@LittleCinnamon Ah that one. Oooh I can't wait! 


@QueenChaotic15 I think we might have discussed it quite a while ago… it’s the same one I was thinking about writing that felt out of my comfort zone. 


Hi! I can’t read chapter 17’s part 2 of a feast of souls. Could you tell me what the chapter was about? I don’t want to miss anything. 


@FeraMoon23 thank you so much! I’m thrilled you love the story so much ❤️


@LittleCinnamon okay thank you so much! I absolutely love your story! It’s amazing! The way you write, personification and detail is brilliant and incredible. It’s literally poetry. 


@LittleCinnamon is there book two of Blood and Curses? 


@LittleCinnamon Okay whenever you’re ready 


@Yaleena_jujum not at the moment, unfortunately. I'm currently working two jobs so finding the time to write is really difficult.