
I was running a bit late this morning, so I had to post Chapter 27 of Mixed Blood on a different computer. Sorry if there are any formatting errors. I'll run through it later this afternoon when I'm back on my main PC. 
          	Until then, enjoy the next chapter and let me know what you think!


@hardelayo Thanks so much! I really do appreciate the patience. I do have the next chapter ready to go, but I want to get a little further ahead before going back to weekly updates in case I hit another wall.
          	  You and everyone else coming back to Mixed Blood after so long are absolutely incredible!! ❤️


@MC_Matthews  sincerely I didn't notice any error as usual a master piece  can't believe I have to wait another 2 weeks please can we get Nolan's p.o.v this time


I was running a bit late this morning, so I had to post Chapter 27 of Mixed Blood on a different computer. Sorry if there are any formatting errors. I'll run through it later this afternoon when I'm back on my main PC. 
          Until then, enjoy the next chapter and let me know what you think!


@hardelayo Thanks so much! I really do appreciate the patience. I do have the next chapter ready to go, but I want to get a little further ahead before going back to weekly updates in case I hit another wall.
            You and everyone else coming back to Mixed Blood after so long are absolutely incredible!! ❤️


@MC_Matthews  sincerely I didn't notice any error as usual a master piece  can't believe I have to wait another 2 weeks please can we get Nolan's p.o.v this time


We hit an incredible milestone today. 300 THOUSAND reads on Claimed by the Primals!!
          You guys are absolutely amazing, thank you SO much for all of your support! ❤️


@LauraBrowneLambert thank you!! I feel absolutely blown away. I never thought I'd reach that with ANY of my stories!


@MC_Matthews Congratulations! That's wild!


Chapter 26 of Mixed Blood is up!! Don't forget to vote and leave your comments!
          Check out the sample of The Paralegal if you want to see what I could be working on in the future. I'd love to know what everyone thinks before I fully commit to it, because if you don't like it, then I'll go back to the drawing board and try something else.
          Have a great Thursday, have a great weekend, and, to my fellow Canadians, happy Victoria Day on Monday! 


Hi readers! 
          Not sure if the notifications were working over the weekend, so here I am again.
          I've published a 4-chapter sample of something I was working on during my hiatus. If you'd like me to turn it into a real project after Mixed Blood, let me know in the comments!


Hey Readers!
          I've released a sample of something I worked on while on my hiatus. This will NOT affect the new Mixed Blood schedule and there will still be a new chapter on Thursday. I wanted to release these 4 chapters to get feedback on whether I should make it into a real project once The Ancient Blood Series is done.
          So go and give The Paralegal a read if you're interested and let me know what you think!


Hey All!
          I'm happy to announce that Mixed Blood will be returning as of May 2, 2024!! I will be aiming for bi-weekly updates (meaning once every two weeks), at least until I'm fully settled back into my routine.
          I know it's been a crazy long wait, and I am so sorry for that. Things might be going slow, but I am determined to finish what I started and give you all the resolution of this crazy story that started all the way back in 2020. 
          I have a new project sitting in the wings right now as well. I'm going to aim to start releasing chapters in September 2024. I'll give you some more info on that later in the summer.
          Thank you again for all of your support and patience. I'm looking forward to the next few months and getting back into the project that started my whole Wattpad journey!!


@MC_Matthews it's all good! That's part of life. Thanks for coming back to work on it and I can't wait to read it!


I can’t wait to keep reading! 