
Happy New year!!!
          	May it be better than the two previous ones!!!


Just finished reading your story Lady Samurai. For a second time. Can't get over this story. I really really love it. Maybe I'll read it again for third time? Ha3... 
          I started reading this story not expecting anything because I never read story about Samurai. But once I started, I just can't stop reading it. I have to read it to the end. And I do not regret it. I've also read the sequel Lady Shizuka. But I think I prefer Lady Samurai more.  
          I love the way you wrote this story. To show the beauty of love between Lottie and Lord Takeda. I love the way you describe the beauty of Japan, the Japanese people, their way of life, the Samurai way of life. Hope you will write more Samurai love stories. 


I love old samurai stories! Do you like Akira Korusawa movies?


@MDVidgen awesome! In my area he’s just exploded in like the last ten years nobody had heard of him before then lol so I guess I rush up to everybody assuming it’s brand new news


Yes, I’ve seen a few of them. Especially, rendition of Macbeth and Magnificent Seven .