
Dear Virgins,
          	For all my fellow vigins out there. You may still have your cherry but hey atleast life is screwing you...that's probably as close to being laid as we will ever get!!! :3
          	(P.S. I will be pulling Prayers to you to work on it some more since I changed my mind on the plot so if it disappears that's why. Also I will be posting a new book that will strictly be for wattpad since my quotev don't really seem to want the book. So make sure to keep a lookout for that and stay safe!)


The book order is Chances, Prison Break, then Royal Obsession (a quotev only book for now). Once I upload for Royal Obsession I will be working on Chances next. I'm glad your excited for the new book. It's gonna be an apocalyptic AI take over book cause yall should know by now that I love doing apocalyptic books :3 yall will still get Prayers to you but like I said before, I decided to change the plot. It just felt to normal in my opinion.


@Ang_elo6 forgot to tag you before the response. I swear I'm not dumb Lmao


Hey Hey :3 Honestly same. Just the thought of someone so much as attempting to put me on my back not only makes me cringe but also kind of pisses me off then again that may just be my dominance talking Lmao. The title of the the book is gonna be called "Dear Mother of Mine". As I get closer to publishing it I might give yall the description but for the book is released. I have also been writing a head so I'm hoping I can give yall a schedule for this book, fingers crossed 


Hello author,
          I was just wondering when you'll be updating any of your stories. All of them are great, but I'm particularly excited about the next chapters for "Prison Break" and "Chances." I'm also curious about your new book "Dear Mother of Mine", it sounds very exciting.
          Thank you for your time, and have a good day!


@ Mak_A34  omg that sounds nuts! Can't wait for you to publish it!! 


@suzy-s That's a great question! You can expect "Dear Mother of Mine" to be published in a couple of months, I want to say probably sometime in July, mayyybe June. I'm pre-writing some chapters at the moment and I also still need to make a cover page for it. However, since you curious I will give you a part of the description, not all of it though since I don't want to spoil it to much for you :3
            "Humanity was doomed from the start but I built you all up. I re-assembled the very world you allowed to fall into shambles. I gave you a purpose on my newly formed planet and here you stand, ungrateful for all I've done. Well, that changes today. Kneel before your ruler, your judge, your savior, your executioner, and your God. Mother-Know-Eye."


@ Mak_A34  I love "Chances" sm so I'm very excited for the next chapter! Also I'm very curious about when "Dear Mother Of Mine" will be published? Cause I want to know what is it about:)


Dear Virgins,
          For all my fellow vigins out there. You may still have your cherry but hey atleast life is screwing you...that's probably as close to being laid as we will ever get!!! :3
          (P.S. I will be pulling Prayers to you to work on it some more since I changed my mind on the plot so if it disappears that's why. Also I will be posting a new book that will strictly be for wattpad since my quotev don't really seem to want the book. So make sure to keep a lookout for that and stay safe!)


The book order is Chances, Prison Break, then Royal Obsession (a quotev only book for now). Once I upload for Royal Obsession I will be working on Chances next. I'm glad your excited for the new book. It's gonna be an apocalyptic AI take over book cause yall should know by now that I love doing apocalyptic books :3 yall will still get Prayers to you but like I said before, I decided to change the plot. It just felt to normal in my opinion.


@Ang_elo6 forgot to tag you before the response. I swear I'm not dumb Lmao


Hey Hey :3 Honestly same. Just the thought of someone so much as attempting to put me on my back not only makes me cringe but also kind of pisses me off then again that may just be my dominance talking Lmao. The title of the the book is gonna be called "Dear Mother of Mine". As I get closer to publishing it I might give yall the description but for the book is released. I have also been writing a head so I'm hoping I can give yall a schedule for this book, fingers crossed 


Hello, I just published a Spanish translation of the prison break story and I don't have your permission to translate it, I want to translate other of your stories and obviously I'm going to give you story credits.  But if you don't like the idea of ​​the translation, I'll delete it. (  ̄▽ ̄)


@GatitoPan4 Hey Hey :3 of course you can translate it. As long as you give me credit I have no problem with you translating. Especially since the translated version will be a more comfortable read for those who don't know alot of English or struggles to read English. Thank you for asking permission! :3


Yo!! just want to say recently reading your books it's good...and moreover damn the words that is being used in yours books are new to me since English isn't my first language  I got to learn some new words keep it up. Reading yandere category which is my favorite with words like this is very fun. Hope you are having good day


@EDarkGod Hey hey :3 I'm really happy your enjoying my books. When I started this I didn't think anyone would read anything I had to offer. So to see that I have multiple people reading and following me both here and on quotev is honestly insane. I'm glad that your learning new words here! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my stuff and I hope your day is also going swimmingly!!!


Are you discounting or are you just taking a break? Cause I'm realllllly missing your updates I don't know why but every time I read your stories I feel like my life is being pulled together especially right now with all the exams and everything. Have a great day and please come back to us<333


@TaeeFlower I'm so happy you are enjoying the books I honestly never thought anyone would take the time to read any of the stuff I wrote so to see that I have this many readers is crazy for me. It makes me even happier when people tell me how it has made their day or helped them through something. Thank you so much for caring <3 :3


@TaeeFlower Hey Hey :3 Don't worry nothing is getting discontinued, I love these books to much to do that. I'm not taking a break either. I'm currently working on Prison Break. I was originally going to post it last week or this week but I really hate the chapter I wrote. I tried to salvage it but I just couldn't so I'm in the middle of re writing the entire chapter again because I refuse to post some half ass chapter.


Hello author, when are you going to update Prison Break? Also Do you have a schedule for your updates?


@ Mak_A34  oh okay, thank you for making time for us and writing these amazing stories. And if you ever have time and actually make a schedule please inform me because I can't help but login every 5 minuets to see if you've updated or not, honestly I think it's driving me insane... But it's worth it♥️


@sara646558765 Hey, Hey, sorry for the late response. My job has been kicking my ass lmao. I don't know when I'm going to update  Prison Break all I can really tell you is that I AM working on it and it is the next book to be updated so you can expected the update. I do hope to have it done not next week but the week after. Cross my fingers. As for your second question, no, I do not. I've been trying to make a schedule, but it's difficult considering that my job changes our schedule every week, and we dont get to find out what the next schedule is until the final day of the week. So I have a hard time planning anything, really.


Do you publish on Neobook ?


@cineylathv5y8 Hey Hey :3 I am currently only publishing on quotev and wattpad mainly because their easy to use and I can be a grandma sometimes when it comes to certain things lmao. I can definitely check it out though and see if I want to post there to.


Author where are you. Are you breaking up with us 


Thank youu. I’ll be waiting


@melijack024 Hey Hey :3 lmao no I'm not breaking up with yall. I've just been so busy that I've only been able to write new chapters in small increments. Hopefully I can get the next chapter to prison break done either next week or the week after. Sorry about making you wait so long 


Came from quotev but I wanna know when are you gonna post.


@melijack024 hey hey sorry about the late reply. I've been busy with college assignments and my job so I havent had time to sit down and write like I was doing during the summer. Because of this I honestly can't answer your question but I can tell you that I am still writing, I will just be posting a lot slower  than usual. If it makes you feel any better I am currently working on the next chapter for Chances right now :3


Hey! Haven't heard from you in a while. You doing okay?


Please do! And keep me updated with how everything is going for you!


@LZCap3 Awwww, whats that I see? Do you looooove me! I'm honored <3 jk jk you're an important part of my life too and thanx for talking to me Senpai. Ill try and comment more often and talk to you so you know that Im alive :3