
          	Calling all Maybelline lovers and fans!
          	In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month this May, @Maybelline has teamed up with @Wattpad to bring you a writing opportunity to banish the stigma around depression and anxiety. 
          	Share a story around your own struggles or those of someone in your life, and the breakthroughs you've had. 
          	For every story submitted, Wattpad and Maybelline will donate $1 to Crisis Text Line up to $10,000. 
          	To everyone around the globe, you are welcome to join the Donation Challenge as a chance to support this amazing cause.
          	Wattpadders, let's be #BraveTogether !
          	Check the Mental Health Awareness Writeathon story on our profile for more details and how to enter here:


@Marigold91   Look who's hawking the make up! ;-)  Too bad you have to be in the US to win anything with this Maybelline Contest.  Speaking of contests, Wattpunk's 2nd round contest should have closed on Saturday, but they've still made no announcement about the winners from round 1. (closed a month ago did round 1, and as far as I can see, there were only 2 contestants. Same with this round. Only 2 people dropped a link. Doesn't mean more didn't, but participation seems low.)  Shouldn't surprise me. A few years back, I was the ONLY participant in one of their contests but they held the win announcement for 3 months...hoping somebody else would enter. They didn't.


          Calling all Maybelline lovers and fans!
          In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month this May, @Maybelline has teamed up with @Wattpad to bring you a writing opportunity to banish the stigma around depression and anxiety. 
          Share a story around your own struggles or those of someone in your life, and the breakthroughs you've had. 
          For every story submitted, Wattpad and Maybelline will donate $1 to Crisis Text Line up to $10,000. 
          To everyone around the globe, you are welcome to join the Donation Challenge as a chance to support this amazing cause.
          Wattpadders, let's be #BraveTogether !
          Check the Mental Health Awareness Writeathon story on our profile for more details and how to enter here:


@Marigold91   Look who's hawking the make up! ;-)  Too bad you have to be in the US to win anything with this Maybelline Contest.  Speaking of contests, Wattpunk's 2nd round contest should have closed on Saturday, but they've still made no announcement about the winners from round 1. (closed a month ago did round 1, and as far as I can see, there were only 2 contestants. Same with this round. Only 2 people dropped a link. Doesn't mean more didn't, but participation seems low.)  Shouldn't surprise me. A few years back, I was the ONLY participant in one of their contests but they held the win announcement for 3 months...hoping somebody else would enter. They didn't.


So guys... big news I'm super excited to finally be able to share :) guess who now has that lovely, lovely Ambassador badge!


@ Marigold91  My, my ! Congratulations!!! Loads of claps from here! Keep it up !!


Hi lovely people! (turns up 5 months later with a Starbucks). I've been gone for ages and some fun things have happened since. 1. I've done an interview with @AmbassadorsUK ! You can find it here: 
          2. If you were reading A Priest, a Physicist and a Demon(...) you might notice it's been taken down. I'm doing a massive revision of it and you can see a sneak preview of that in the interview :)


And with the final story, the week of THREADS is complete! For something a little bit different, and a little bit of a wind-down after a week of horrors, check out "Cottagecore". Thank you for joining me!


Announcing THREADS, my new short story collection! The first chapter is out now and for the next week, I will release another one daily until all of the stories are out. Absurdist and dark microfiction. Check the trigger warning!
          Come and let me know what you think :)


@Marigold91  I like the new background wallpaper!


New avatar! Where did the deer go? Did he out stay his welcome? And will the bug background paper change soon, too? So many questions!


@Di_Rossi i figured someone with the tag "marigold" should have a flower not a deer as their profile photo  it doesnt really make sense. (Or maybe im just going a little stir crazy at home, because ive changed almost all the covers too.) The bugs (they're actually bees but oh well) will probably go too :) 