
Hi Belle Gang, 
          	Dropping The Crown (Book 2) release date: 3/13/2023. 


We need a story about BRADLEY... guys can we vote on this ??
          What really happened to him ?? 


Thanks. I'll be waiting 


@user34301893 Hi. U and several others are asking for his story..  I'll create his story in the near future. ❤ 


Take a look at this sample.. LEAP
          "Mumma is that person troubling you?". I froze as I heard Ethans voice behind me. Peering my eyes up I stare at Tristans equally stunned expression, he stared at Ethan with surprised yet suspicious eyes as though he was totally analyzing the kid behind, like he knew that he was his own flesh and blood and that was confirmed as soon as he focused his eyes on mine which was flooded with, betrayal, anger, warmth, and a tiny bit of confusion he stared right at me seeking confirmation through his eyes.
          I dont know if I gave it away by averting my eyes towards the baby at the end of the staircase.
          "No baby we were just having a conversation." I said as I make my way towards him. And couldnt help but smile when I saw his face getting scrunched with irritation at the word baby.


Hi Belle Gang, 
          Dropping The Crown (Book 2) release date: 3/13/2023. 