
Hi everyone!
          	I just wanted to let you know that I would most likely be unable to post for the entire month. This month will be a hectic one at work. I'll see you in July! Ciao!


@Me_Hermes That's okay, good luck, love you!


@ Me_Hermes relax, It'okay. See you soon!! 


Hi everyone!
          I just wanted to let you know that I would most likely be unable to post for the entire month. This month will be a hectic one at work. I'll see you in July! Ciao!


@Me_Hermes That's okay, good luck, love you!


@ Me_Hermes relax, It'okay. See you soon!! 


HI! i just finished reading all of your jl stories and i ABSOLUTELY love it. the first story that captured my attention was the "Foreign of Time" jenlisa's story and the way they act is so cute. i love it so much. i was a bit hesitant to read the cross-dressing female general bc its the FoT really set the standards for me. but it's good pa din naman. just now, i finished reading "Just like Bonnie and Clyde" and i love it too. i love their hate to love relationship. it gives me the kilig HAHAHAHAHAH ANW i was hoping u could make more stories bc i absolutely love them. i don't comment that much bc i always read offline to avoid ridiculous ads BUT ITS GREAT. you do great, there are grammar errors and typo here and their but its inevitable so no worries. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! ( ´∀` )b


Author I don't understand while review why you cut so much good plot at Fot book? I Think you should not cut story, I just expressing my thoughts though.


@nipaku me too. the story was so long that I had little motivation to reread the edited part, and when I just continue to my current reading I also got confused with some major edit (imo) on certain characters.


@ShirinKhan7 it's matrilocal marriage. Though I think that's the end. 


@nipaku Do you know the name of the original story of FOT???


Hello, everyone!
          I just wanted to apologize for not updating the two current stories. My boss is temporarily on leave, so I'm covering for her for the next 2–3 months. Being poor is tough. HAHAHAHA
          Anyway, I'd like to share something with you. It's a list of my favorite GL manga. Some of you may have already read these stories, but those who haven't may find them interesting. It's been sitting in my drafts, so I decided to share it with you.


@Me_Hermes Hi author, it's good to see you again. Hope you are doing well, miss you and your stories. Stay safe and happy!!!❤❤❤


Hey…you mean gl manga converted into jenlisa story???