
Not me periodically wanting to block everyone out and forget the world exists. 


@luciferstempest some people are so nice. You deserve the world! 


@MerakiQuill do it. Its part of selfcare. Dooo itttt. You can't always be 100% present. Take a break. Shut off everything and everyone. Its just you. There is no world on your break. 


Not me periodically wanting to block everyone out and forget the world exists. 


@luciferstempest some people are so nice. You deserve the world! 


@MerakiQuill do it. Its part of selfcare. Dooo itttt. You can't always be 100% present. Take a break. Shut off everything and everyone. Its just you. There is no world on your break. 


The first chapter of "Raineva: The Blessed One" is out!
          "No more tears, Rain, none of it."
          They were like the light to one's dark, the shield to each others back, syncing and matching their strengths powerfully as they faced challenges.
          "It's going to be fine. I'll do this Dad, I'll do it all."
          What was going to be fine? Why made Raineva cry? Tap on the link to access the full jist!


Here's some news! I am finally dabbling back into prose after a while, after 5 years Infact, I am trying to pick back up on writing a novel.
          Surprise! surprise! It's of the werewolf world! My most obsessed over genre of the times.
          Here's a little blurb on it!
          Raineva was not an average werewolf, and her dad knew it the day she was born. Her tiny body glowing under the moonlight with intricate spirals and patterns, she was meant for something beyond. Something beyond her future Alpha life, beyond the packs and wars. After all, she was one of the blessed in over a thousand years. 
          Darian swore to glowing moon to protect her daughter there and then, even if it meant to go against the world of hunters, greed and, unmatchable forces of witches and sorcery. He would make sure no harm came to her. 
          Raineva is definitely not an average werewolf, with a sacred blessing running within her veins, a constant prey for greedy predators. How does she balance and overcome her life battles? Protecting herself? Finding her mate? Controlling her powers? Coming of the age?
          Expect it to come out anytime in the next week! I look forward to some much much needed support, wails, I don't think I can fare without you all.
          See you all there!
          Much love, 
          Your Khan


@EraRexon missed you ❤️ thank you! 


@MerakiQuill I am so very proud of you baby girl...finally


Hello everyone!
          How are you doing today?
          What's your current read? How's your day been? Let's chat up! 


And there’s a - at the end of winteringpages not _


Hey guys! I am looking for your thoughts on my book "When Nature Beckons You" there's a form on my conversation profile, I'll be grateful for your input! 


@EraRexon would read awayyyy


@MerakiQuill did you read my form? *teary eye*


Hey fellow friends, 

          I am collecting your reviews/ thoughts on my work "When Nature Beckons You". 
          It is undeniable how important a reader's opinion or reviews have become, readers depend on their reader friend's thoughts and often are moved to read a book. Here, I am collecting reviews for this very book, because they value a lot to me.
          If you haven't read the book yet, you can get the sample copy for free on Wattpad, grab an actual hard copy if you are an Indian and as well read it on Pabpub. (links for each are provided below) 
          *Reviews will be featured on various social media handles.*
          Thank you,
          S. A. Khan.