
Guess who’s back! Yaay! 
          	Hey, my lovelies! I missed you so so much! I missed writing for you, reading your comments & interacting with you. 
          	I had a lot up my plate the past two years, I fought the urge to quit writing almost everyday, I really love writing and I love my readers even more. 
          	I didn’t want to log into my account unless I am sure I will continue writing, I wanted to continue creating worlds for us to escape to in times of need. 
          	This can be said to be my first official log in into wattpad in almost two years. 
          	I hope you’re all happy and well, and that you missed me as much as I did you. ^_^
          	And I wanted to ask you, should we continue The Shadows’ Crown or should I just post a new story? 
          	Much love, my lovelies. <3


@Mi-M-Ab plz update the shadows' crown!!



Thank you! I love to read and its so hard to find something worth reading. The first 2 books I finished in 2 days its awsome you dont shove chapters of sex scenes in them. You are definitely a skilled writer I loved it.(I dont comment on anything but felt you deserved it)


Guess who’s back! Yaay! 
          Hey, my lovelies! I missed you so so much! I missed writing for you, reading your comments & interacting with you. 
          I had a lot up my plate the past two years, I fought the urge to quit writing almost everyday, I really love writing and I love my readers even more. 
          I didn’t want to log into my account unless I am sure I will continue writing, I wanted to continue creating worlds for us to escape to in times of need. 
          This can be said to be my first official log in into wattpad in almost two years. 
          I hope you’re all happy and well, and that you missed me as much as I did you. ^_^
          And I wanted to ask you, should we continue The Shadows’ Crown or should I just post a new story? 
          Much love, my lovelies. <3


@Mi-M-Ab plz update the shadows' crown!!