
As you might have noticed I’m going through editing (finally) and a lot of things are being adjusted. There might be some changes regarding the characters and the plot as well, or some additions to make the whole thing clearer.
          	Anyway, I checked the rankings today and funny enough, Things Not Subject to Gravity was ranked 666 in #darkmagic XD 


@pettylabel haha we would!
          	  @MichelleManisha thank you, dear. GOP luck to you as well!! ^^


@MichaelShivaSurya Good luck at editing... X( I have to do that as well... *sighs*


@MichaelShivaSurya whoaaa I guess Sybil will be smiling at that XD 



Can't believe I hadn't followed you as yet, Lui! ❤ Delighted to have you follow. I follow back! =]


@MichaelShivaSurya ❤️❤️❤️


@Nablai my bad for the delay, I hadn't realized either! I was totally sure I had already XD


As you might have noticed I’m going through editing (finally) and a lot of things are being adjusted. There might be some changes regarding the characters and the plot as well, or some additions to make the whole thing clearer.
          Anyway, I checked the rankings today and funny enough, Things Not Subject to Gravity was ranked 666 in #darkmagic XD 


@pettylabel haha we would!
            @MichelleManisha thank you, dear. GOP luck to you as well!! ^^


@MichaelShivaSurya Good luck at editing... X( I have to do that as well... *sighs*


@MichaelShivaSurya whoaaa I guess Sybil will be smiling at that XD 


Hii hii
          I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude, well but if i do, feel free to delete this n ignore me n u'll immediately be obliviated ✧
          if u like fantasy typed stories, maybe you can check out 'Raeliana Adfrenssa' by melifluousgelatoo I'm a fan and I think she deserves more support, so maybe u can read, vote n maybe comment n follow her? 
          here's where u can find it https://my.w.tt/7rOrwI92Hcb or in my reading list
          I hope its not too much to ask
          thank you very much and I hope u have a nice dayy, if not? 
          then just remember that you're the main character in your own story and yk the story is never fun if the mc didn't have any hardships, so good luck on overcoming it, I'm sure your story will be a good one
          stay safe ❤️


No worries, and thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunately, I have no time in my hands as I’m busy editing my own book T_T
            Honestly, it’s commendable that as a fan you’d go around and promote your favorite writer—she’s lucky to have you! 
            I’ll keep this suggestion in mind for when I’ll hopefully have some free time, and meanwhile I wish you a good day. ^^


Hi! I guess you are editing your story, Thing not subject to gravity, as I can read my old comments. Good luck on editing. I haven't finished that story, since I was given other book assignments,  but I hope to finish it soon. I'll have to reread it though from the start because I forgot who's who. *smiles* I got to many characters "dancing in my head." LOL! Set and Sybil are back there among the "spiderwebs". I am trying to edit my old stories too and somehow I even forgot some of their names! 
          Take Care!


I am, thank you for taking the time to reply here! I  look forward to it, and good luck with your editing as well! ❤️