
Hi everyone,
          	I hope Friday is treating you well. 
          	This is a quick note to let you know I've just unpublished Singular for the time being. 
          	I'm going through an internal upheaval, of sorts, and that means I'm not in the frame of mind to be writing right now. As Singular only had the one published chapter so far, it made more sense to me to unpublish it than to let it sit there looking abandoned. 
          	I'll let you know when I come back from my pause.
          	Stay safe, if you can, wherever you are.


@Ane456 thank you so much for your kind words! Hope things are okay on your end. 


@MonicaBGuerra while it was lovely to start entering that new world with you, the main priority will always be yourself and physical/mental health and making sure your feeling good with what your doing, looking forward to reading other future works!


@MonicaBGuerra I am doing well, thank you! :)


Hello , I just want to say that I really enjoyed reading utterly forgettable,I love the simplicity of the language and the flow of the dialogue,the storyline and the raw emotions that can be felt even from the words. There are not many people like you left, people who tells a story so touching and heartfelt. It's just like a James Patterson story,the people comes to life from the pages of the book,like an everyday people. Okay I'm rambling . I just want to say kudos to you.


I've read utterly forgettable. Such an incredible story. 
          I was rereading it and found that the bonus scene is missing. Could you please upload it.


@tsundere015 Hi! The bonus scene is in Something Equally Nonsensical, a collection of flash fiction that's on my profile. It's the first chapter, a story called Journeys. I don't know if links work here but, if they do, here's a direct link:


Hi I just now completed the "utterly forgettable" book.Wow! what a story!!!! It's very amazing.The characters are very good.It was good from the start but I liked the last few chapters very well.If u don't mind can you tell me what happened to Zoe and Dan in the end??


@MonicaBGuerra Hi,thank u for replying.Ohh okay now it makes sense I liked the Zoe character very much that's why I wanted to know thanks for explaining in detail about it.U have increased my standard for the stories now so you to take responsibility and write many good stories like this asap. I'll be waiting!!!! And I have one more doubt why such a incredible story like this only have a few reads.Thus deserves to be in top 3.All the best for your future works.


@wishtofly007 Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me this! It makes my day to know when a book of mine resonates with a reader.
            Zoe and Dan stay friends -- best friends, even -- and go on to be with other people. The thing I could never get across in UF, because Zoe doesn't trust Josh to the extent that she'd spell it out for him, is that she's poly, and Dan's not. Yes, she loves Dan, and she knows he loves her as well, but she also knows that, for them to be together, one of them would have to compromise on something fundamental, and end up resenting the other. It's likely Dan would have said he'd be okay with Zoe having sex with other people, but it would have eaten at him. He'd have started wondering why it he wasn't "enough" when it was never about him, it was about her. She, in turn, might have decided to go monogamous so he wouldn't be sad. Then she'd start wondering why she was allowing him to dictate who she shared her body with, and she'd have felt trapped. She could see all of that pretty clearly from the get go, which is why she decided it wasn't worth trying -- just being in love with someone who's in love with you doesn't necessarily guarantee a good fit, and she and Dan would have made each other truly unhappy, in the long run. Because she didn't try, they ended up preserving their amazing friendship and finding happiness with other people at some point down the road.


          I really enjoyed your book "Utterly unforgettable" You did an amazing job. Well done, I look forward to Reading more of your books.
          Hoping I won't wait long 
          Or be disappointed.
          Good job!


@maryorji07 Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad to know UF hit the mark. I have two novellas up on my profile that are sci-fi with mm romance that you might want to try, if you haven't yet -- BioSynth and SynTracker. I, too, hope you won't be disappointed.


Just wanted to say hi. I’ve been thinking about you and I hope you’re well. ❤️


@MonicaBGuerra I'm glad you're doing well! If being offline is helping make life better for you, then that is what needs to happen! I hope life keeps going well for you. ❤️


@ShadOLeerie Thanks so much for thinking of me! I haven't been online much (clearly, seeing as how I'm replying to this nearly two months after the fact), but I'm doing okay. Hope you're doing well as well!


Why hasn't UF reached over a million reads is beyond my understanding. It's such an amazing book. ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ


@MonicaBGuerra it was my pleasure to read ur book..


@ankv95 thank you so much for your lovely words! I'm glad to know it resonated with you. ♥️


Hi everyone,
          I hope Friday is treating you well. 
          This is a quick note to let you know I've just unpublished Singular for the time being. 
          I'm going through an internal upheaval, of sorts, and that means I'm not in the frame of mind to be writing right now. As Singular only had the one published chapter so far, it made more sense to me to unpublish it than to let it sit there looking abandoned. 
          I'll let you know when I come back from my pause.
          Stay safe, if you can, wherever you are.


@Ane456 thank you so much for your kind words! Hope things are okay on your end. 


@MonicaBGuerra while it was lovely to start entering that new world with you, the main priority will always be yourself and physical/mental health and making sure your feeling good with what your doing, looking forward to reading other future works!


@MonicaBGuerra I am doing well, thank you! :)


Hi folks!
          Hope you're doing well. A lot has happened in the world in the past week, and I feel the need to say I hope you're safe, wherever you are, and, if you're not safe, that things improve substantially in as short a time as possible. 
          In writing news, the first chapter of my NONC entry, Singular, is up. Come meet Rin at
          I've also gone and created a Patreon. For now everything that's up there is unlocked, and I haven't migrated most of my writing yet, but that should happen in the next week or so (fingers crossed). I do have plans for exclusive content, but not in the near future, so the tiers are working as a tip jar at the moment. If you so choose you can a) support my writing and then cancel, as a one-off, b) support me on a recurring basis, or c) enjoy the writing the same way you would here, on Wattpad.
          Here's the Patreon link:
          Eager to hear your thoughts on Singular!


@SebHarding thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad Josh and Emery's tale resonated. ^^


Such a good story, Mon! So good! I’m glad to have met emery and josh through your words! No doubt this is ending up as a Wattpad book someday 


Hello folks! Hope life is treating you well.
          An update on Wattpad and 2022's ONC: If you follow my profile you may have noticed the announcement I made a few weeks back about not joining the ONC this year. There's a more in-depth explanation in Singular's Welcome chapter at

          The gist of it is, Wattpad hasn't made me feel comfortable as a writer here, and that doesn't seem like it's about to change.
          That doesn't mean there won't be plenty of excitement to be had, though, because I will be submitting to #NONC2022 instead! For details, feel free to click the link below.

          And now for Singular:
          In the kingdom of Dalcea, where magic permeates every aspect of life and can only be cast in pairs, 47 year-old Rin is an oddity: he has no magic to call his own
          In the kingdom of Dalcea, where magic permeates every aspect of life and can only be cast in pairs, 47 year-old Rin is an oddity: he has no magic to call his own. He is Singular.
          Raised in the palace from birth as a crib companion to King Taen, and elevated to royal advisor the day Taen took the throne, Rin has chased obscure leads for acquiring magic all his life. Without it, only the king's kindness and misguided trust keep him on the council. Without it, he's useless.
          When a brutal shipwreck leaves both men stranded on a deserted island, Taen has no one to cast with. With no rescue coming, they're no longer king and subject, mage and singular; they're just two men on even footing. And it's up to Rin to rely on the myriad practical skills he's developed over the years to keep them both alive. He cannot, will not fail.
          Not when Taen means so much more to him than he's ever been willing to admit.
          Hope to see you around soon for Singular updates! Take care.


@MonicaBGuerra NONC!!!! I'm so excited for your cover and, eventually, your story *insert emoji Wattpad won't let me use*