
My childhood nightmare : If i end up eating the seeds of watermelon a tree will grow inside my stomach.
          	And because of it i haven't eaten watermelon till now. 
          	Does anyone also have these kind of childhood nightmare ? 


@Muslimah-Warrior I heard that too!! But rest assured your stomach isn't any tree pot lol. Go ahead and test some melon, they test great! ;)


@Muslimah-Warrior lipstick makes your lips darker (my lips are a bit dark from the sides), I'm still scared becoz of it that's why I don't apply it 


Assalamualaikum/ hey!
          If you are someone who love to hide their face behind the book which contains mysterious stuff with a touch of spirituality to connect you to the characters in a deeper way, then check out my new book.
          'A Mazed Heart' contains a mysterious plot, thrilling tale and a lot of suspense to indulge in. 
          If you love the Mystery/Thriller genre, then check out this book.
          It's also a spiritual book focusing mainly on spirituality from varied dimensions. Check out this book if you are intrigued by this genre.
          Attaching the link of AMH below. 
          And yeah, don't forget to leave your thoughts. It is the only prize and price an author gets for all of his hardwork :)


My childhood nightmare : If i end up eating the seeds of watermelon a tree will grow inside my stomach.
          And because of it i haven't eaten watermelon till now. 
          Does anyone also have these kind of childhood nightmare ? 


@Muslimah-Warrior I heard that too!! But rest assured your stomach isn't any tree pot lol. Go ahead and test some melon, they test great! ;)


@Muslimah-Warrior lipstick makes your lips darker (my lips are a bit dark from the sides), I'm still scared becoz of it that's why I don't apply it 


As-salamu Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
          تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنكُم
          Eid Mubarak ! 
          May Allah Subhanahu Watala accept all our prayers , worships and good deeds from you and me. Ameen.


            تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ مِنَّ وَ مِنْكُمْ
            May Allah swt accept our salah, siyam, qiyam and sadaqah and even the tiniest good deeds we did this Ramadan, May Allah swt accept our duas forgive all our sins and may we live to witness many more.


@Muslimah-Warrior aameen. Eid Mubarak to you too:-)


As-salamu Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu Everyone. 
          Eid Mubarak to those who are celebrating Eid Today. 
          تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنكُم
          May Allah Subhanahu Wa-Taala accept ( all prayers , worships and good deeds) from you and us. 
          Have a very joyful Eid ! 
          Khuda Hafiz !!!! 


There is khayr in everything, but
          only if you look with imaan. The rain
          doesn't ruin your plans, it gives you
          a chance to make more duaa. You
          broke your wudu, but making wudu
          again will wash more sins away. 
          You lost something beloved to you
          because Allah heard things you
          didn't hear. You can't fall asleep
          because Allah wants you to talk to
          Him. Your life is hard because Allah
          is opening the gates of Jannah for



          ہجر و وصال یار لازم ہے-
          جس طرح مقطع میں تخلص ضروری ہے-
          hijar o visale yaar lazim hai,
          jis terhan maqta mein takhallus zaroori hai.
          Separation and union of beloved is indispensable,
          As a pseudonym is compulsory in last couplet.
              ( ~ Fatasa ) 


@Muslimah-Warrior I see. Thanks for sharing. I do believe their is so much knowledge and benefit from knowing The Creations of Allah.
            But I also know Muslims especially scholars did extensive research in Astronomy.
            They wrote about the planets the stars and Galaxies. 
            Theorised about the Big bang way way before they were known to anyone else.


          :رضي الله عنه Umar b.Khattab
          "If you see that someone has slipped, correct him, pray for him and don't help Shaytan against
          him (by insulting him)."


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman indeed. Thank you for conveying these golden words to me. I think this was much needed in my life right now. Allahamdulliah. Jazakallah u khair sister. 


As-salamu Alaikum.
          Have anyone read About the shape of Earth ( flat or round ) and if it is stationary or rotating, and about Sun in accordance to science as well as in THE QUR'AN. 
          Let me know if you have read this topic because I am confused by  a lot of things. 


I will let you all know what I have gained later. Inshaallah 


@_moonlitude_ and @king_Sultan and @Slave_of_Ar-Rahman . Jazakallah u khair for showing interest in this topic. 
            After reading and listening to renowned Scholars it is proven that according to Quran Earth is round as the evidence provided by Slave of Ar-Rahman. 
            But I haven't still found much on if Earth is stationary or not. 


@Muslimah-Warrior Wa alaikum salaam sister 
            No I haven't and I'm even interested to know.  Please let me know when you do 