
Hi everyone. I pray you're all safe and at home during these tumultuous times. I'm working from home so I don't have as much free time as I would have liked to work on my stories.
          	That being said I'm thinking of posting a new story on here. One I've been working on for a while now. Would you be interested in reading it?
          	Let me know. And don't worry I am still working on finishing Grim's Race lol
          	All the best.


I hope everything is ok with you. It's been over 2 years since your last post. 


@Sandy18beach Unfortunately Garretson has fallen to the back burner due to work, lack of inspiration and other stories I've been working on. I unfortunately can't say when that story will be updated or completed :( but it's on my list of stories to complete.


@Myeerrz so are you still writing and updating your books somewhere else? I'm hoping to finish reading your dark moon series.


@Sandy18beach Hi! I've been watching your comments for the Dark Moon series and I am so happy to see you liked the books. I am great I just don't work through Wattpad much anymore! Thank you for reading and checking in though! Happy Holidays!


Hi everyone. I pray you're all safe and at home during these tumultuous times. I'm working from home so I don't have as much free time as I would have liked to work on my stories.
          That being said I'm thinking of posting a new story on here. One I've been working on for a while now. Would you be interested in reading it?
          Let me know. And don't worry I am still working on finishing Grim's Race lol
          All the best.


When are you updating Grim’s Race I’m obsessed with that book it’s so well written, I love the plot and Characters (Caden is just... Wowza that’s all I can say Rn) please give us the next chapter I really hope they end up together they deserve it!!


@NikkiAny Aww you're so sweet! I apologize I'm not very consistent. I've been working on a different novel I want to publish professionally and some other side projects. I have more than half of the next chapter finished. Let's hope inspiration strikes so it gets posted soon!


Okay don't kill me!!!
          I know I posted something for Grim's Race and nothing came of it. To be honest I've just been busy with life. My daughter is amazing and her 1st Birthday is NEXT SUNDAY!!! So I've been dealing with that and going back to work yada yada yada. Anywho!!
          For all of you Dark Moon fans guess what??? THE INSPIRATION HAS STRUCK GOLD!! I have tentatively 2 chapters in the works for Garretson!! Here's a sneak peek!
          "So big brother, whom I love so very much and am going to miss dearly. How have things been between you and your beloved mate to be?” 
          Willow and I are in town for the first time in years. Last I remember being here with her, she was mocking Rae for not getting good grades. It’s amazing how times change.
          “Things are fine between us. Are you ready to move to a whole new pack?” She rolls her eyes and flicks my arm. 
          “That was a pathetic attempt at changing the subject so I’m not going to fall for it. Raelynn is upset and you, as her almost mate, need to make things right.” I stare at her pointedly and she sighs. “You know have sex with her? You do know how to do it still right?”
          “I’m not going to talk about sex with you Willow. And yes, I still know how to do it. It’s just… hard.” She makes a continue motion with her hands, but I end it there. 
          Wooooooooooooooooooooooo!! I'll be posting this chapter sooon! Get ready to delve back into the Dark Moon Pack!


@Myeerrz I’m so glad.  Thank you so much.  This made my day. I can’t wait to read more. 


@barbara166 aww thank you! Honestly your comment was the boost I needed to finally finish the next chapter. I hope to have it posted tomorrow 


@Myeerrz  I would like to honestly complement you. I have not been on Wattpad for sometime. Its hard for me to find something that makes me want to keep reading non stop.  Honestly i got hooked on Grim's race and I don't want to rush you, but please don't stop.


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
Okay people I am back! Officially I am back! And just to prove I am being honest, here you go!
          “And what about her old man?” My skin bristles at the mention of that bastard. He’s been beating her physically and psychologically for God knows how long. Back then she took it because she didn’t want to fight with her father. But now, now she has me and I have no obligation to him at all. 
          “It’s going to take everything in me not to kill him. But I am going to hurt him. I’m going to show him the true meaning of fear. He’s going to regret the day he laid hands on her.” 
          *Oohh! What's going on in Grim's Race? What's Caden going to do to Rory's pops?????????? 
          Anyone ready for Caden and Rory to FINALLY come back????


Ok I know this post was a long time coming but I'm going to explain why I haven't written anything these past few months. 
          I am pregnant! And this time around everything is going wonderfully! In fact my husband and I should be meeting our baby girl very soon! So that is why you havent seen anything new or updated from me. 
          With the stress and fear of loss looming over us I decided to take a break from writing so I could focus on my physical, emotional and mental health.
          I just want to say that I've seen your messages and votes and comments and reads and I SINCERELY appreciate them. I love you all so much and once my daughter is born and we're all settled once again I promise I will get back to work! 
          Thank you God everything has gone so smoothly and thank you all for your support!


congratulations, Wish you and your husband all the best. Sending you blessings for a easy delivery, and a healthy baby.