CLARITY REACHED 60k viewssssss WTF!!!!!! Thank you for those who read it and I am honestly super proud of this story and can't wait to continue writing Henley's story:)


Hi, so I've been trying to work on one of my fanfics, but I'm stuck in a bit of a rut, and I don't know how I want to go forward. Any advice? <3


@SunsetMercer You're welcome, glad to help:)


@NIXF4IRY This does help, thank you. I think I'm going to step back from it for a bit, and who knows, I might add another work-in-progress to my page; after all, I still have my two unfinished stories from high school, so this might be a sign to revive them. <333


@SunsetMercer Hey:) A couple of things I do when I am struggling with a story is I watch either the movie or show I am writing about to figure out where my character fits. If that doesn't work I tend to skip what I am writing at the moment and move on to a scene further down then go back and connect everything together. And if nothing is giving you motivation for the story I tend to make new covers to my stories and go work on the aesthetic of the story something about making it pretty to look at helps. A lot of the time if I can't write for one story I go to a different one. I just recently published a new story in hopes that it will give me motivation for my others. Is there anything in particular your struggling with? Like plot wise? I talk my thoughts out with a friend and that helps too. Cause I want things to make sense and I talk with my best friend about my ideas and she helps me organize my thoughts:) I hope this helps!


I haven't heard or seen anything from you in a bit; I hope you're doing okay! <3


@NIXF4IRY Of course, I get it, school does the same to me sometimes. <3
            I'm glad we're still okay, and thank you for the reassurance, I really appreciate it. <33


@SunsetMercer Thanks:) and not necessarily a break on purpose, but sometimes work keeps me super busy and tired, so i end up not active on social media in general! and no you haven't done anything don't worry:)


@NIXF4IRY Yeah, I've been in plenty of writing slumps myself, I've always gotten through them, and I'm sure you will too! <33
            Wishing you the best on your writing adventures! <333
            If you don't mind me asking, did you take a break from Wattpad for a while? I'm just wondering; I hope I didn't do or say anything to discourage you from feeling welcome on my page. <3


Hi, do you know of any other Twilight fic writers/readers, by any chance? <333


@NIXF4IRY Cool, thank you so much! <333


@SunsetMercer Hey! My best friend Dylan ( @WANDARYEN ) has a edward fic and she loves twilight:) She has a bunch of other good stories from different fandoms as well. She's the person i constantly go to when i have story ideas and we bounce ideas off of each other


Hiya, I hope you've been doing alright. Do you have any advice/tips for writing a Twilight Saga fic?


@SunsetMercer you’re very welcome☺️


@NIXF4IRY Yeah, it did! Thank you so much for replying & for the love you've shown for my JATP fic! It means so much to me! <333


Hi:) so honestly with any fandom i go into writing i kinda of write what i want to see even if it’s technically “overdone”/“overused” because of it makes you happy then who cares what others think. With twilight specifically i def like to make my oc supernatural cause at least they have some kind of idea about what its like to have a secret or something the characters could bond over. But thats me you totally dont have to. I know the bella’s sister or sibling is a go to for most people cause its easy to fit your character into that space cause you can follow along with the series. My story Clarity started as just my character Henley being human but my idea evolved cause i watched the vampire diaries and wanted something to motivate me to write so i started to make my own ideas about what her powers were and her storyline evolved from there. I also binge watch the movies to start my ideas and kind of write bullet point lists while i watch. I hope this answered your question☺️


Hi, thank you so much for the follow, I really appreciate it! <333


@SunsetMercer absolutely even if it’s a short,love the story it just puts you in a good mood!


@NIXF4IRY You're very welcome, I can't wait to continue reading it! <333 That's so sweet of you to say, and I know exactly what you mean; even some of the shortest comments can make the biggest difference!<33333


Absolutely! Thanks for reading my story! Comments like yours make writing with it☺️ 