
⎯⎯  Really sorry my updates are all over the place guys ♡ While most of everyone’s free June and July, it’s my busiest months. Between work, competitions, practices, concerts, planned and spontaneous outings, possible clients, and even moving soon, your sis is booked and busy. I barely sleep during this time. 
          	However, I’m doing my best to write and edit when I can as soon as I can do it. Thank you for your patience and constant support, which I always notice ♡


⎯⎯  Really sorry my updates are all over the place guys ♡ While most of everyone’s free June and July, it’s my busiest months. Between work, competitions, practices, concerts, planned and spontaneous outings, possible clients, and even moving soon, your sis is booked and busy. I barely sleep during this time. 
          However, I’m doing my best to write and edit when I can as soon as I can do it. Thank you for your patience and constant support, which I always notice ♡


⎯⎯  Quick question, because my mind remains undecided : 
          Would I be stoned if I published two books that do have up to 14 prewritten chapters, but updates are all over the place. Not consistent or have set schedule. Or should I wait, complete offline then publish? I’m in between because I want them out there and don’t care for the algorithm and etc, but I’d feel bad for readers having to wait forever…but then I don’t wanna wait forever too ahhhh


@khxyuna22 that’s truuu, normally I do that and I’m honest about updates being whenever the motivation is there for those books to minimize bombarding updates. And these books are my pallet cleaners from others I’ve been working on. Maybe I should hold myself down more and stop giving into the temptation. That’s still strong. I have too many unfinished books which is okay . Thank you for the reply though I’ll definitely keep this in mind 


publish the books but make a set schedule so it flows better and you won’t feel bad for having ppl wait plus it stops ppl from constantly bombarding you about updates. you don’t have to hit each schedule day bc it’s not realistic but giving readers an idea of what direction you plan on going with book updates helps and it’ll keep you organized and consistent. that’s just a suggestion tho.


⎯⎯  The temptation to start all over but also clean out all my drafts is strong 


@AleeyahTheWriter yes! I’ve made such a habit of consistent updating every week or other week that it can be hard to break, but recently, it hasn’t been as compelling. I mean I’ll still complete them for those who’ve been faithfully keeping up but otherwise, I’m with you 


@NekodaDotR this engagement thing is soooo real. These days I only update my books whenever I remember to lool. That’s such a bad attitude, but it’s not compelling to be consistent on here anymore tbh.


@NekodaDotR there's literally no hope for this app anymore T_T 


⎯⎯  Hey guys, I’ve opened an editing and proofreading shop for free! Open to all talents. There are limited spots open so be quick to sign up if you’d like to work with me 
          For more information of what my services includes and etc, you can read more here ;


⎯⎯  Been thinking about creating my own writing discord for a while now. Where we can chat about my books and anything, read chapters before they’re published and snippets of future books, even the ones I’m soon to be publishing and more. But I don’t know if yall be using discord like that here. 


Lmao, then thank you in advance for your hard work


@-KennyWest ahh bet! It’s the setting up part that’s gonna kill me 


⎯⎯  How’s everyone doing ? Anything new going on in life or within writing/reading ? I feel I don’t talk much since I don’t make announcements religiously anymore and solely update and talk in those chapters. 




@remorg I love that for you ! And I don’t blame you, the movie was really good and I wish there was more content 


@NekodaDotR it’s going great actually! I have a bunch of chapters prewritten so it’s really easy. Plus I’m obsessed with the movie itself. 