
Countdown will begin soon <3


Hola again from an old, fleeting acquaintance.
          Since today (technically -6th May 12am) seems to be the last day for personal message/DMs/inbox feature before Wattpad disables them, I fervently urge you and to anyone reading this to check their inboxes, and backup your chats if y'all are nostalgic peeps like me.
          And if you happen to see this...yes, please do check for messages from me, for one last time, that would be beyond awesome, hehe. 
          Merci ((:


Hey Nick! How are you? I really want to re-read your book. Idk, why I love "Heartbeat' so much that I don't have enough time to sleep after getting back from work yet I check Wattpad daily if I received any texts from you or any updates regarding the sequel. Ik you are busy and have things to do. I hope whatever you are going through will go away ❤️! Thank you for writing the wonderful book. I'm waiting for the sequel  love you! 


Hi!! I’m still here (:
            There are two things I’ll post real soon, one of them is the sequel, so you won’t have to wait much longer, promise ❤️


I would like to thank you. Last year January of 2022 I wrote to you telling you how much I loved your book, and I want to say thank you again for those wonderful memories.  I recently saw your goodbye message and I never thought I’d see a goodbye from one of my favorite authors. I understand that people go through things that you’d never know about unless they talk about it. I sometimes forget that. I hope the things that hurt you go away and that you’ll heal. I hope you find happiness and be content with life. I hope you gain hope that you will reach all your goals. You and other writers have inspired me to write and I thank you for that. I sometimes loose motivation and forget people actually care if I upload or not but I’m working on it. You made such a big difference in my life even though you aren’t aware of it. I hope to see you come back one day. Not just to write but to show you’re doing better. Please take care of yourself. I wish you well


I’m really happy you are posting the sequel, but to be honest i’m sad it’s gonna be your last book from you , and that you are leaving wattpad. I know you don’t wanna write anymore but honestly you were always my favorite author on this app. And if by chance you do come back , a miracle  . You would always have us , the wattpad community. To read your magnificent, and brilliant stories . Especially me ! . You don’t understand how much of a gift you have , and the impact you had on me and others on this app. If only i could convince you to stay , and continue giving us your amazing books . But that would definitely be selfish of me . But just know when you do come back , i will be here !!! 


Hi there. I remember that message (:
            Thank you so much for being so kind. It means so so much to me, you have no idea.
            You’re right; I don’t know if I had any impact on anyone—working on believing it when I read it or hear it said to me. Truth is, I don’t know a lot of things. 
            And I’m not gone yet, so that goodbye message, while true, lacked one thing: the promise I made to those five who read heartbeat and enjoyed it. I made a promise and I intend to keep it (I’ve an issue with promises, tldr. Sufficed to say I don’t break them). So thank you again for such a lovely message. I for one care of you write or not. I think anyone who wishes to do so should, regardless. So I hope you keep doing it if it brings you peace or joy or anything good.
            My life is…tricky. Kinda like my brain. And while I know I need to accept certain things, others I just cannot recover from just yet. 
            All this to say that the goodbye message was poorly timed, since I have one more promise I need to keep. Then I get to go (:
            Be safe, and thank you again. It was wonderful to open Wattpad and be surprised by so much kindness.
            ~Nico ❤️


I miss reading your books, I always remember how excited I am to go back home just to read heartbeat and how I used to hide under my blanket  while reading it. It's just so heartwarming how far you've come, but still your book is a big part of me when I was in high school. I was I think in 10th grade when I first read heartbeat and I'm in college now, can you believe it  and I still remember everything like it was yesterday. And for real, the only reason why I still haven't delete my wattpad is because you follow me and that's my biggest flex of all time. 
          Congrats on everything, like my message from you 3 years ago, I would like to say it again
          "You're awesome" ♥️


Hey there! I just love that, thank you for sharing that with me, it made my night ❤️
            I was thinking about how long it’s been too, tbh. I’m going to upload this…thing soon, and as I was writing part of it I had to stop and redo the math because I got it wrong. 
            Don’t delete the app just yet, maybe? 
            And thank you for the “awesome”. Not sure I deserve it but it feels lovely to have someone say it (: 


this message may be offensive
           Hey there. Sorry for badgering you. Really fucking hope you see your conversation wall one last time and by extension, this message:)
           I would be immensely thankful if you could check your inbox for a message from me (someone who's at their wits' end trying to reach you), if it's possible


@Psy16R hi there! checking (: