
          	Waiting to see if im ok'd to enter, they still need more participants guys.


We Need Ambassadors, You Guys!! JOIN THE FUN!!
          Submissions to join the Ambassador program's next batch of training in November 2022 are open! If you're interested in joining training please do get your submission in soon. There's some more information on the program here: https://www.wattpad.com/823619 - and also a submissions form if you'd like to let us know you're interested in the program.
          Please make sure you take your time filling that in, but if you have any questions about the Ambassador Program, feel free to Private Message Gavin - @theorangutan - who manages the Ambassadors.
          Good luck to all our applicants. The next training session will be in November 2022.


Hey there, thank you for voting on and adding Soulbound to your reading lists! I greatly appreciate it (and the follow!) and hope you enjoy the story :)


@NyxxMidnight lol glad to hear, looking forward to it!


@Engraved_in_inK  you're very welcome!! I am loving  the book so far.  Cannot wait to see where this goes and I am sure you will see my comments throughout the chapters!!


So I just posted a new story I'm working on. Chapter one of Scarlett Sins is out. Right now this is a short story but may turn into a novel.  I'm also working on something new and will be updating once the first Chapter is finished!  Please check out my work. I really would love to hear what you guys think!  Also I revamped "The Collector" and renamed it.  Redid the first Chapter etc. So if you were reading that please reread and let me know your thoughts! Thanks so much guys.  


I woke up with a smile on seeing my notifications, thank you so much :)
          Btw, your books ROCKS. Would love to make some collab someday!


@NyxxMidnight  hey! Lol, almost forgot that I posted this, it's okay! I get how busy our lives can be, heheh you're welcome ^^ And really? Cool, I'll hit your DMs then. Hahaha, 100% right!


@themysticalqueen Hey!  So sorry I'm just now seeing this (life stuff has been extra extra lately) !  Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm totally open to doing a collab! If you really want to just let me know!  I have tons of ideas floating around in my crazy head! And you know what they say! Two heads are better than one! Anyway! Just message me when you get the chance.  


NEW UPDATE!!!!! PLEASE READ!!! Finally updated a new chapter in EMBER'S AWAKENING!! CHAPTER EIGHT IS UP!! Please read and let me know what you guys think!! I also have a new cover for the book!! I will Be working on an update for The Collector and a general revamping of that book. (new cover, new story description ETC) Be on the lookout for it and let me know what you guys think!! Constructive Criticism is WELCOME and needed!! Thanks and HAve a happy FRIDAY!!!


So  I haven't been active and I miss interacting with my fellow Wattpad readers and writers. I had some real life stuff going on with my grandmother passing. It was devastating and unexpected. I'm doing better now. I was actually right in the middle of training to be an Ambassador when it happened. So it was like this totally awesome thing was almost ruined for me.  My depression was trying to take over and it was hard for me to want to do anything at all except  sleep. To compound things I wasn't able to get down to her funeral. She passed on a Wednesday and they had her viewing Friday and her funeral Saturday. I live a good 12 hours from home now.  So I was doubly devastated that I didn't get to say goodbye and I will never get that opportunity back.  Then I was angry on top of the depression. I didn't give up though because I knew that I wasn't going to feel that way forever. I'm still upset that I wasn't able to get down there and I think i always will be. I miss her tremendously but I know she understands. And she wouldn't want me to give up on something that I really wanted and was excited about.  And she wouldn't want me to stop writing and lose what makes me happy and what I am passionate about.  I'm not really sure why I'm sharing all of this. I was just going to say yay I'm an ambassador you guys,  I've been mia for training.  So yeah,  I'm done rambling now. And I'm glad to be back on here.  


@Voyageavecmoi @MusicalKehleigh Thanks guys!  It means a lot that you took the time to reply to my ramblings. *hugs* 


@NyxxMidnight *Big hugs* What you're going through sounds exhausting and painful. It takes me right back to losing my aunt a few years ago and struggling with a similar situation. You're absolutely right that she would understand <3 Congratulations on becoming an ambassador and welcome back :)


@NyxxMidnight I'm so sorry that you've been going through all this! It's good to have you back, and Congrats on being an ambassador :)