
im back (new computer, less mental clarity)
          	i started therapy for the first time ever, and my therapist said i have to start writing again (why does she tell me what to do don't tell me what to do i hate my therapist) so anyway im writing again updates soon


@PaperMars glad you’re working on yourself!!❤️ self-love is always much needed 


Wooohoooo. Lol the person who mention the therapist being a secret reader. 


im back (new computer, less mental clarity)
          i started therapy for the first time ever, and my therapist said i have to start writing again (why does she tell me what to do don't tell me what to do i hate my therapist) so anyway im writing again updates soon


@PaperMars glad you’re working on yourself!!❤️ self-love is always much needed 


Wooohoooo. Lol the person who mention the therapist being a secret reader. 


Quick question, how come ‘How Could I Not Tear You Apart’ says completed but theres only 9 parts and just overall obvious its not finished? Or maybe it is? Idk, I’m asking.


@PaperMars no worries! Just had me a bit confused is all. Thanks for the clarification


@___k8lyn___ i do not know how that happened, i never marked it as completed as it is definitely not finished, i will fix that sorry


Hi author! I'm obsessed with your books, especially the bone philosopher, hoping that you still have your passion to write and update. Have a great day ahead!


@PaperMars thank you so much! You don't know how excited I am<3


@NefretiriCoffee thank you for reading! i hope to update it soon <33


As someone who also feels the same way about past things I've created or just anything in general that makes me cringe and feel ashamed, I can't lie and tell you to swallow your shame because I'm the kind who will try to eliminate any embarrassing instances of my life (even though I love love loooove your books, does that make me cring? Hehehe) but yeah, even now if I think back of what I used to read when I was a teenager I feel embarrassed and ponder to myself "why the heck did I enjoy those books". But then again, I ponder some more and remember how I actually was having a lovely time whilst reading them. The cringe came later in the future. However back then I was honestly enjoying my reads without a care in the world. 
          I truly admire the people who give no cheese about their cringiness or embarrassment, cause I could neveer. I don't even know where I'm going with this, but basically I'm just trying to say that your past self enjoyed writing this stories and present people (me included) still enjoy reading them. So don't go to hard on your past creations. I've been there done that, and (personally) i regret it. 


@POESIE_FUMEUR I'm sorry this response is so late, i read these comments of yours over and over, you are such a kind person, and the fact that you took the time to write all of this out is such a sweet thing I can't even comprehend it.  Like you, in the moment, i was having so much fun writing my stories as a teen, but being an adult and rereading them is tough. (it doesn't help that I often get comments on my stories where people call them 'underwhelming' 'boring' 'no plot' which is super true and right, but the reminder is shameful.) I want to be nice to my younger self just like you should be nice to your younger self. after all we were just kids then anyway 
            thank you for the kind words, you are so sweet <3


@PaperMars So please pretty please no need to swallow your pride, and I truly hope you don't delete them. You are the only author I've found who's managed to write strange but incredible characters in mind-blowing settings. They're a quite dark but also wholesome? Idk haha it's such a different nice concept. At the end it is truly your decision what you do with them, but do know that even if you find shame in them, I really like them (and I know I'm not the only one).
            Kaaay sorry for the podcast, peace out hihi 


I even thought to myself....what if a musician I like were to delete their music from all platforms just because they no longer liked it, or felt like I did with my paintings. I would be sad and honestly quite mad hehe. That's probably how my mother felt when she found out what I did to my paintings, yes they were mine, yes I painted them myself. But maybe instead of just getting rid of them I should have given them to her. Things I create might not be liked by me in the long run, but others might find beauty in them, like I once did, like my mother always did.
            Currently, I started re making an old painting of mine. I'm making a new one that fits my standards at the moment. Yes, there is a big chance I might end up hating it later on (which I know my current self will be angry at my future self if I were to destroy it) , but that's okay right now I'm loving how it looks and bc of that I'll keep it and rather admire my progress. 