
To my penguin fam,
          	It has been an amazing six years on Wattpad. I’ve made memories and met people I’ll never forget and found friendships that I’ll forever treasure. There really aren’t enough words to describe the impact Wattpad has made on my life, and all I can say is God knew what he was doing when he brought it into my tiny world.
          	It’s no secret that I haven’t written in a long while. It’s also no secret that my activity has dwindled. And as we reach the end of the year and I turn a year older, I’ve been thinking about what the next part of my life looks like, and I find that my chapter with Wattpad has come to an end. 
          	It’s a definite bittersweet feeling, but I think it’s been a long time coming. 
          	For my readers, you’ll never know just how grateful I am for your love and support with every story I wrote as a weird teenager/new adult. To this day, your sweet comments and messages make my heart warm, and you all just mean the world to me. Thank you for letting me share my stories with you and for encouraging little me to go crazy.
          	And as far as my stories go, I’m still torn on whether to leave them up or take them down, but as of this moment, I think they will stay up and if that ever changes, I’ll be sure to give you a heads up. 
          	But yeah...
          	This account is officially inactive.
          	I hope you all live your lives to the fullest, and never forget to waddle with your heads held high. You are beautiful humans, and your existence is valued and appreciated.  
          	I love you all.
          	Signing off for the last time, 
          	Sweta, your Pebble Queen ❤️


@PebbleQueen thank you so much for the incredible stories. the memorable characters from the loved to the hated, the funny scenes, and the emotional ones. we will forever miss you, and if at some point you would like to return to wattpad we will be waiting with open arms and warm hugs.


@PebbleQueen Just wishing u all the best for your future. May whatever comes ur way is easily handled and Lord bless u with happiness to come, best wishes dear❤️Thanks for all ur stories...will miss u❤️


@PebbleQueen every beginning has an ending.  Thank you for all of the memories.   May your path lead you to where you wish to be. ❤️