
Hello , Just wanna give information for Update Schedule of Two Current Novel Starting from Now
          	Fall - Every Friday 
          	Love Song in Winter - Every Saturday & Sunday


Are you planning to do a translation of the novel that Lighter & Princess is based on? Or has someone already done one and I'm just not searching the right thing? I want to read it so bad!!! I've just found your uploads and I've been reading them like crazy! So many I've been trying to find!!! Thank you!


            That novel has already been posted from another person. You can find it on my reading list. 


hi hi! I've been a lurker to your profile for quite some time now. Really like the stories you put out here for the rest of the community to enjoy, but I haven't really gotten around to reading some of your new (and old stuff) since forever d/t work stress. is it alright if I ask for cnovel recommendations? possibly low stress novels lol. many thanks 


Hi! I see many interesting in stories but they are in unicode or ziwaggi and I can not read them. Is there someone who can help me with    reading them please ?  


            I found many of them interesting. 
            I can read both unicode version and English version. So, for me I can read the book those you couldn't read it. 
            For you, if you cannot read Unicode Version, you can only read it in English Version. 
            That's why I will search English version for you when I have a free time, if you tell me the name of the book you want to read. 


@ PhyuPwint8  Also have you read film Emperor's wedding diary? I tried to look for it but i could not find it. 


            I have already read it. When I finish work, I will sent a link to you here. 


Hi people Ang chinese recommendation where the female/male leads are voice actors, thankies in advance


@rzel_18 thank you but I'm done reading that and I love rereading it, another recommendation pls


            Really Really Miss you Novel that has drama adaptation named By "Love me, Love My voice." 
            You can search in Wattpad by typing "Really Really Miss You."


Just want to give information, the novel "I Like You so much" that posted in 2021, I found missing two chapters of that novel that I eagerly want to read it. So, I upload the one of the missing chapters in my account and you can go read it. 
          For the another remaining one missing chapter, I will try to upload tomorrow. 
          Thank you who give me the link to read it, it really took me four years to able to read that missing two chapters.


Oh no.....this morning, I checked the Wattpad message box, all the message conversations are gone!!!! Disappeared!!!!!
          A Friend told me before that the message box will disappear but I hope it Is a rumour.
           Is there anyone who happened like me ???


@PhyuPwint8 please send it to me if it same drama's novel hu yi tian I'll be grateful