
Happy New Year!
          	I hope that you all have been doing well. I  missed writing and reading your comments, it brings so much joy honestly.
          	Update on me over the past year:
          	I had writer's block that still has me in a choke hold. I had COVID. My personal life fell apart and I cried 15+ months. Heartbreak that felt like it would kill me but in the mist of my storm I became pregnant. Life didn't get easier and I felt like I was living in survivor mode. I lost myself and didn't know when it happened but I'm determined to find me again. 2023 has been the worst year of my life so far but  2024 I will be better for myself first and I hope that you all are going to do the same. Don't forget who you are.
          	I would love to say that I have an entire book to post but I don't. I would love so say that I'm back but I'm not ready. Life was kicking me left and right. And just as the year was ending I got hit with another combo. I have to believe my pain is temporary and push through. Who knows, I might write about my life one day.
          	I love you all! Thanks for rocking with me for this long


I'm so sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations. Keep your head held high. It's okay to cry, but don't soak for too long. Dust yourself off and put on your crown every morning. Take it one step at a time.  Praying for peace and great blessings.


I truly wish you the upmost blessings.  I sincerely hope that 2024 is everything you need it to be and more. I wish you good health and stability. I’m really sorry to hear that 2023 was such a tough yeah for you. I’m a firm believer that when things fall to pieces , that so many good things come to follow afterwards.  I’m sending so much love and genuine appreciation for your existence I’m hoping that sometime soon things get better than you could even imagine!  


@PjWhites Sending you love and light and positivity! Take your time healing and the words will come. And as much as I enjoy your work I'd rather you get better. It will all work out as it should <3 <3


Happy New Year!
          I hope that you all have been doing well. I  missed writing and reading your comments, it brings so much joy honestly.
          Update on me over the past year:
          I had writer's block that still has me in a choke hold. I had COVID. My personal life fell apart and I cried 15+ months. Heartbreak that felt like it would kill me but in the mist of my storm I became pregnant. Life didn't get easier and I felt like I was living in survivor mode. I lost myself and didn't know when it happened but I'm determined to find me again. 2023 has been the worst year of my life so far but  2024 I will be better for myself first and I hope that you all are going to do the same. Don't forget who you are.
          I would love to say that I have an entire book to post but I don't. I would love so say that I'm back but I'm not ready. Life was kicking me left and right. And just as the year was ending I got hit with another combo. I have to believe my pain is temporary and push through. Who knows, I might write about my life one day.
          I love you all! Thanks for rocking with me for this long


I'm so sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations. Keep your head held high. It's okay to cry, but don't soak for too long. Dust yourself off and put on your crown every morning. Take it one step at a time.  Praying for peace and great blessings.


I truly wish you the upmost blessings.  I sincerely hope that 2024 is everything you need it to be and more. I wish you good health and stability. I’m really sorry to hear that 2023 was such a tough yeah for you. I’m a firm believer that when things fall to pieces , that so many good things come to follow afterwards.  I’m sending so much love and genuine appreciation for your existence I’m hoping that sometime soon things get better than you could even imagine!  


@PjWhites Sending you love and light and positivity! Take your time healing and the words will come. And as much as I enjoy your work I'd rather you get better. It will all work out as it should <3 <3


Hey love . Hope you are well . Kisses from me to you not in a creepy way. Lol. Ummmm when are you going to give us the sequel to no help cause girl I love the book and die for it . It's definitely part of my favorites list . I love love the love story about Savannah and Jace it like warms my heart please . Give us a sequel to Tyr story my heart needs it 
          Thanks miss author