
I apologize for the late update. I've been busy with several new projects and life in general. It's only recently I applied for AO3 and will possibly get a reply on the 24th. I'll link it when it's time. I'm also considering creating an inkitt account to share some of my books. What do you guys think?


I apologize for the late update. I've been busy with several new projects and life in general. It's only recently I applied for AO3 and will possibly get a reply on the 24th. I'll link it when it's time. I'm also considering creating an inkitt account to share some of my books. What do you guys think?


          Sorry for the inconvenience, but I have a question to ask you. I would like to know if you would consider granting permission for me to translate your story. Rest assured that I will make sure your copyrights are respected. I kindly ask you to take a moment to think about it, and I'll be eagerly awaiting your response!


@ marcospervertidoo  Sorry, I typed it wrong, I meant to say I understand 


I'm so upset with Wattpad and considering closing my account. I never thought the same reason ridingbluejeep stopped writing could happen to me as gay romance is not a popular genre. My book Paranormal which hadn't violated guidelines the year of it's completion is suddenly a red flag to take down. I wouldn't mind it if they stated how and gave options to rectify this issue but they delete my imagination without consideration for the authors. Ciel might not be completed if I get no feedback.


@Poison_beri Don't forget to share your A03 account so we can continue to follow you there, hehe~~~


The honest truth is... This my first time hearing of this site so I'll try to learn about it and move my work there 


@JustsomeGarbage @zerozeru Thank you so much for your suggestions... I'll do this as quickly as possible 


Happy New year everyone!! What are your goals for the year? How do you plan to achieve it? What's your mindset for the year? Let's work on achieving our goals


@coffee_tea7 That's a great goal... It's going to be hard... So don't be a quitter


@Poison_beri My goal is too stop judging the people around me and focus on myself and God.


Due to personal reasons, Ciel will be on a long hiatus! I apologize for the late announcement. Also to everyone who has read oh my omega... There is one question... Would you be interested in owning a paperback version of it?


Dearest enthusiastic readers, 
          I know you have been anticipating another chapter of Ciel but there will be no updates until after my exam... I am sincerely sorry. This is my finals and I can't afford an extra year... Thank you for your understanding.
          Best... Viola.