
          	Just a reminder to those wishing to enter the July one shot contest, that today is the deadline. If something came up and you need more time, let us know. We cannot help those we do not know to help. But thanks to everyone who’s turned in theirs so far! Be sure to look for the results on Saturday! 


@Shuiru Thanks for sharing! That's good to know


@gofishstories Apparently they have been. I emailed the email address, and the person replied that. Only one judge had given them results. But that was yesterday, so maybe they have received more.  


@PokemonWatties Were the results delayed?


Hi Everyone!
          I'm Ellison, and I'm a three year judge of the PWA and also an effective co-admin. After Kat passed the PWA to Iza, we lost the account. We've tried multiple times to get the account back from Wattpad but have been unable to. To be completely honest, as most of the people who kept this account alive have moved on, I think we've just given up. I'd like to give a final thank you to everyone that participated in any year of the PWA, and I'd like to thank anyone who ever helped in the running of this account. The work that some people have devoted to this account cannot be understated. 
          I know it's been a long time, but I wanted to give closure to anyone who still might be wondering or thinking about this account.
          Please have a wonderful time writing and enjoy this monument to the past.


          Just a reminder to those wishing to enter the July one shot contest, that today is the deadline. If something came up and you need more time, let us know. We cannot help those we do not know to help. But thanks to everyone who’s turned in theirs so far! Be sure to look for the results on Saturday! 


@Shuiru Thanks for sharing! That's good to know


@gofishstories Apparently they have been. I emailed the email address, and the person replied that. Only one judge had given them results. But that was yesterday, so maybe they have received more.  


@PokemonWatties Were the results delayed?


Hey everyone!
          The July contest is up! Go check out our announcements book for details. Happy writing! 
          -CoordinatorIza (admin)


@PokemonWatties Can I still star writing as long as I enter by midnight on August 3 Central? 


@PokemonWatties what one is it and does it need to be completed 


          In honor of the spirit of the June contest, I posted my own one-shot over on my personal account since the prompts gave me ideas and I can’t enter :) Hope you enjoy it if you check it out. And don’t worry, this isn’t a second account for me to post personal stuff on. It’s just related to the contest and I meant to post it sooner to help generate ideas for people entering. 
          -CoordinatorIza (admin)
          P. S. Also there’s only a few hours left until the contest closes so if you’re entering , please submit now. Thank you.