
Salaam everyone! I know that I have been MIA lately, but no worries! I have a lot of things planned for project hijabi. More coming soon! 
          	@cutiegirl441 - Founder


All of my Muslim brothers and sisters, please please please fast tomorrow (April 2nd) so we all can make united dua to help us upcoming Ramadan and so the coronavirus will end sooner rather than later
          Inshallah all will as planned
          Jazakallah khair!


Assalaam walekum
          Hey I would love to be a part of this project.
          Where I live people don't wear hijabs because they think it's old fashioned, I don't like it. 
          Is there any way to join this project??


@smartfan Yeah that's so true. But I don't think anyone realizes what it actually means, how impactful a message that sentence is giving us.


@blue-heart-maiden if someone tells you that wearing a hijab is from the dark ages, then dressing half naked is going back to the stone age


@blue-heart-maiden Just follow us and support us!


Salam there sista! I was wondering if u can kindly invest some time on my book. It would be really endearing of you. Genuine feedback would always be welcomed and much appreciated:) Good day! xoxo, Alpha hijabi :*


Hello ! I just wanted to say I'm so proud of being a hijabi while most people from where I live refrain from it out of various reasons. But I'm mostly proud of being a Muslim because it feels like every word we say is like a prayer to one another. :))) *feeling blessed* have a good inshallah !!