
Hey everyone! For those of you in the US, there's only a week left of the Incarnate Contest, so if you're looking for something to take your mind off elections and want to try something even more horrific than trying to work out who to vote for, now's your chance.
          	- An innocent boy is possessed by demonic forces. Can you save him? -
          	To celebrate the release of the upcoming film Incarnate, we're giving YOU the opportunity to complete @ShaunAllan 's story "Tender Walks The Demon" on the @IncarnateMovie profile with your own horrifying ending.
          	Go to @IncarnateMovie for more details and submit YOUR ending today for a chance to see it come to life in an ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVEL and be featured on Wattpad!
          	So what are you waiting for? Start writing the last chapter to the story and tag it #Incarnate to enter.
          	All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on November 13, 2016.


Hey everyone! For those of you in the US, there's only a week left of the Incarnate Contest, so if you're looking for something to take your mind off elections and want to try something even more horrific than trying to work out who to vote for, now's your chance.
          - An innocent boy is possessed by demonic forces. Can you save him? -
          To celebrate the release of the upcoming film Incarnate, we're giving YOU the opportunity to complete @ShaunAllan 's story "Tender Walks The Demon" on the @IncarnateMovie profile with your own horrifying ending.
          Go to @IncarnateMovie for more details and submit YOUR ending today for a chance to see it come to life in an ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVEL and be featured on Wattpad!
          So what are you waiting for? Start writing the last chapter to the story and tag it #Incarnate to enter.
          All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on November 13, 2016.


Hey guys! I am testing out the new update, which is adding photos and videos to stories (within the text itself)! This is something Wattpad is working on bringing to everyone slowly, so if you don't have the option yet, just be patient. But, in the meantime, go check it out!


@myushen I totally agree! I'm not sure how long it's going to take to roll out to everyone but I think it'll really enhance some stories.


@KimFry :-) Awesome. I look forward to playing with it. Makes it easier to flag that content that some of the older formats.


@myushen - whoops, accidentally tagged myself!


          I noticed you liked horror stories. If it's okay, I'll make a recommendation...Two horror writers I think are really good....PaigeTurner35 and YellowKing777. Paige is a new writer just starting out who shows promise and YellowKing is a real pro at writing good horror stories. 


@Bachmann40 Fantastic! Thanks for recommending them, I'll be sure to check them out!


I want to give a HUGE shout out to @FlythruFire and her story MOONBORN for winning the Teen Writing Contest hosted by the amazing @Cfunk3!
          For anyone that has not read this story yet, here is the description:
          The Wings were assembled with the intention of keeping the peace between dimensions, with the help of their space-hopping dragons. Groups have always been moving against them, but will the Wings be able to survive this latest threat? Young Evelyn is retired and standing vigilance on Earth, having lost her beloved dragon to the enemies, but events have conspired to bring her back to the Wings' stronghold, where she once lost everything dear to her. A strange dragon is hatched, bringing ripples of fear into the stronghold, but will the Wings recognize that the true threat is without before it's too late?
          And, of course, the link:

          Everyone, go show this story and author some love! It is well deserved!