
Also, what role would Aeron Targaryen play well in after the Dance of Dragons ends. Would he do better at being the new King of the Seven Kingdoms or would he do better as the Hand of the King. I'll leave your opinions to you.


@StarBurstKingStudios, what role Aeron would play at the end of the war, well he never got into politics before and has a lot of growing up to do, which we'll see as thebstory continues. As for his love interest, I already got one in mind, although you did just give me an idea of doing a love triangle by giving Aeron two love interests. 


Have you seen the two trailers for Season 2 House of the Dragon. What are your thoughts on it. When you do continue after Season 2 releases, what will Aeron Targaryen do. Join Rhaenyra and battle against his half brother and the Greens or will he just be a coward like he always was and watch as the Greens destroy his family!


@StarBurstKingStudios I just loved the way they put out two trailers in the perspectives of the Greens and the Blacks. I plan to start writing A Tale of Dragons again sometime after the season ends to plan what I will write about. I already made plans for Baelar and Aeron, and let's just say they'll both be doing things they'd never thought they do.


So, I created this today for Dawn Isle, castle of House Longwaters
          Here's the link for it


@RaR6121 Okay, I understand. I did look at Saint Michel Castle and it looks pretty great 


@StarBurstKingStudios I like Castle 2 better, but I already decided to have Dawn Isle be like the mont saint-michel castle from France. I was going to announce it on the chapters, but I forgot, but that's what Dawn Ilse will be. 
            Although I am still looking for a harbor town for Seaside Harbor, which is on the mainland across from Dawn Isle.


On your next chapter, Jarred should choose Bronn as his champion while Joffrey chooses Meryn Trant as his champion and Bronn ends up winning, ending the trial and freeing Jarred, but Johnathor Longwaters would have to send Jarred back home to put an end to the rumors(that are actually facts) once and for all. Back in Essos, Aereon and Daenerys meet with Johnathor's sister and after their chat, find their dragons have been taken.


@StarBurstKingStudios, good suggestions. Although Jarred will want to fight on his own because he feels like it's his fault, he and Cass are in danger. Also, I plan to have Joffrey turn the trial by combat to a trial by seven where it's the same thing, but with seven fighters on both sides under the Faith of the Seven to make sure Jarred dies for defying him when trying to punish Sansa a couple chapters ago. Jarred gets six champions to fight with him, two of them would be Bronn and Lancel, against the seven champions Joffrey chooses, one of them is Meryn Trant, who will die in the fighting. Jarred wins but badly injured, so his father will send him back home for recovery.


Any plans to update your Game of Thrones story 


@RaR6121 Mine next chapter will be out later today 


@StarBurstKingStudios Just updated it today. Normally I update my stories a week after