
THE CLEARING is officially published by Evernight Teen! 
          	Thanks again for all the support from this community. If it weren't for readers letting me know they liked my book, I would have given up on it years ago. 
          	And now on to the sequel - this time, no distractions!


@SMC_Scookie that's awesome! I love to get things like this in my feed! Congrats, congrats, congrats! Hope all else is as well, have to catch up. John!


THE CLEARING is officially published by Evernight Teen! 

          Thanks again for all the support from this community. If it weren't for readers letting me know they liked my book, I would have given up on it years ago. 
          And now on to the sequel - this time, no distractions!


@SMC_Scookie that's awesome! I love to get things like this in my feed! Congrats, congrats, congrats! Hope all else is as well, have to catch up. John!


THE CLEARING has an offer from a small press! I'm going to be a published author! 
          I'll be taking down the book as soon as I sign, but I'll be sad to delete it. Wattpad featured THE CLEARING years ago and helped it find readers. Every single one of you has been super encouraging and sometimes the only thing that kept me going as a writer. I want to thank all of you for your support. Without it, I would have given up a long time ago.
          It really does take that one yes! I have hardly updated this manuscript in years, and yet now it's found a publisher. For all of you who are struggling to find that one yes, hang in there. It's not you, it's them, and you will find success as long as you keep going. 
          Thank you so much to everyone who has read, liked, added, and shared my book. It will become a tangible paperback by the summer! Please send me a message or let me know below if you'd like to kept updated and informed of a any giveaways - I plan to do a lot of these. =]
          And that means I am officially writing that sequel!


@Eye-Spy Thank you so much! And thanks for the beta-reading support too. I'm just about to approve my final edits, cover is ready, and it will be available on the 31st of this month. I almost can't believe it!


@SMC_Scookie Holy crap, I was doing one of my quarlety Wattpad check-ins and saw this post. Truly incredible! No one deserves it like you. I remember beta-reading The Clearing for the first time in high school, so to hear it's getting published is the best news. Please keep me updated!


@Anehalia Thanks! I really appreciate that. Part of me is worried I won't sell any copies, so it's good to know people are interested. =]


Hey all. I might be returning to Wattpad in order to help find some real talent and create youtube videos boosting up those authors. 

          If you're interested, feel free to message me. More to come later!


@SomewhatDistracted Ooo, sounds interesting!


Good to have you back❤️


Hi... I just finished reading The Clearing and  I think my mind gonna explode with the story's twists and suspense.  You're a remarkable writer. I hope you could find inspiration to continue with the sequel. Good luck :)


@pink_blush03 Thank you. That means a lot to me. I hope to start working on it again soon. 


Hey all,
          I'm having a writing festival on my blog! 
          If anyone wants to win a paperback copy of Terry Pratchett's A Slip of the Keyboard, or a digital copy of the award winning supernatural novel Daimonion, then hop on over. It requires a twitter follow to enter, but feel free to unfollow straight afterwards. =]

          All month, I'll be posting up articles by authors at various stages of their careers, as well as author interviews and a beta-reader classifieds. 
          If anyone is interesting in getting involved in the next one, just drop me a pm. 


          Are you planning on writing a second part of The Clearing? It was amazing to read and very twisty I must say. It definitely needs another book and a proper ending. Hope we'll be getting one soon? Looking forward to it. :)


@SamihaSultana Hi there. Thanks for your support. I have a detailed plan and some chapters written, but I'm focusing on other projects at the moment. =]


Hi all, 
          I've just made some huge edits to EMBERLIGHT, inspired by your feedback. 
          The opening now starts before the meeting, where Kelsey and Feya encounter a magical battle right before their eyes. The flow of information should make heaps more sense, but it might still need some tweaks. Feel free to tell me your honest thoughts on this one.
          Most importantly, Feya are Isadora are no longer a blue eyed and blonde haired girls. I've changed their heritage to both help shape them as characters and also to add more diversity to the cast list. This isn't something anyone pointed out. It's something I've thought about for a while but haven't had the guts to do, but now I've made the changes, it feels right. Let me know what you think. ;)
          Anyway, I hope you like the changes. I've refreshed the other chapters and will be posting the rest online. Comment away!