
Happy Pride Month! ❤️ From one Rainbow to another x I’ve been with my wife since we were sixteen (forgetting the year in college that we were apart ;p ) We don’t talk about that LOL 
          	I can’t tell you the relief when we were finally OUT and our families knew. It wasn’t easy, and some didn’t like it, but after many years people changed their views, and saw that love overpowered the hate. Now we are parents ourselves… and I will forever be my child’s safe place, no matter what. 
          	I know we are privileged to live in a country where we get to live freely as gay women without persecution. We get to be married, and become parents. I don’t take that for granted. I can only hope that one day we will all get to taste and experience that freedom. From all things! Everyone deserves to live and love freely without fear. 
          	Thanks for being here, in my little queer world, where stories of love are abundant, and where it always finds a way to win. 
          	The world needs more love right now. 


@SPenBooks You’re in the UK yet you know so much about the Pacific Northwest, I live in Vancouver, but I have spent lots of time in Astoria Oregon as well as eastern Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado. I really like your writing style, you definitely tell a great story.


@GeoffMay hi, oooh I’d love to visit Canada one day. It’s beautiful! :) thanks for being here :) I love that you love those two as much as me x I’m in the UK, and count ourselves lucky that there is great acceptance here too. Much better than when I was a teenager anyway. 


I love your books an have read Alberta, and Willa, 3 times now, I don’t know where you live I’m in Canada and we’re very much into acceptance here.


Hello, I just thought I’d inform you that Wattpad has been deleting a lot of LGBTQ+ books recently, without warnings beforehand or any proper reason after. If you don’t have your books backed up I suggest doing so just in case.
          (The majority of these books had some type of explicit scenes and sometimes bloody scenes, but it can’t hurt to be careful)


My books are all backed up :) but thank you for the warning x x 


Happy Pride Month! ❤️ From one Rainbow to another x I’ve been with my wife since we were sixteen (forgetting the year in college that we were apart ;p ) We don’t talk about that LOL 
          I can’t tell you the relief when we were finally OUT and our families knew. It wasn’t easy, and some didn’t like it, but after many years people changed their views, and saw that love overpowered the hate. Now we are parents ourselves… and I will forever be my child’s safe place, no matter what. 
          I know we are privileged to live in a country where we get to live freely as gay women without persecution. We get to be married, and become parents. I don’t take that for granted. I can only hope that one day we will all get to taste and experience that freedom. From all things! Everyone deserves to live and love freely without fear. 
          Thanks for being here, in my little queer world, where stories of love are abundant, and where it always finds a way to win. 
          The world needs more love right now. 


@SPenBooks You’re in the UK yet you know so much about the Pacific Northwest, I live in Vancouver, but I have spent lots of time in Astoria Oregon as well as eastern Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado. I really like your writing style, you definitely tell a great story.


@GeoffMay hi, oooh I’d love to visit Canada one day. It’s beautiful! :) thanks for being here :) I love that you love those two as much as me x I’m in the UK, and count ourselves lucky that there is great acceptance here too. Much better than when I was a teenager anyway. 


I love your books an have read Alberta, and Willa, 3 times now, I don’t know where you live I’m in Canada and we’re very much into acceptance here.


Hi guys,
          Just a quick message to let you know I’m going away for the next week as it’s half term in the UK. I’m off adventuring with the little one. West Country calls us to come and have fun. We will actually be travelling right through the location of Windlere ;) I’ll be back soon, and I’ll make it up to you with some extra chapters. Jupiter Rising is drawing closer to the end of part one. Part Two comes with a BIG twist in the tale. See you soon :) 


@aexal7 thank you :) just packing now. 


@SPenBooks Have a great time 


Have you ever thought about writing a story about Josephine as well?


Josephine has so much depth, and yet we’ve barely scratched the surface with her, so absolutely I’ve considered it. 


Absolutely :)


By da way, it's about the problem of your work Alberta how's it going???


@katekuperman someone did reach out and apologise, saying they may have accidentally reported it, whilst on the app on their phone. They hoped it didn’t, but then saw my post and let me know they were very sorry but it may have been them by accident. So, if that is the case, I’m hoping the powers that be read the book over and see it’s harmless. But yes Kate, I do believe the writers should be informed. 


@SPenBooks which means half of your works. It's unfair that Wattpad is even considering removing this book. There are so many other books containing content that is dangerous for young readers because I think that the administrators of this platform have their best interests in minds first and foremost. This is not how it  all should work, that You, as the author, have no idea what's happening with the book and can do nothing about it. I like it less and less with every day...


@rusemcocA oh yes, I will finish it :) no worries about that, I’d only take down the Alberta series if it was removed. 


Happy 100K Alberta & Rowan :) :) I hope the majority of people that find you, enjoy you, just as much as I enjoyed writing your story ;) What a day 


@SPenBooks congratulations to your success.... you are a very good author..I super  love your work...


@SPenBooks congrats to all 3 of you<3


Alberta has been flagged for some reason, and is not appearing in any tags. It is being reviewed. No idea why. I just wanted to say though, that if it is removed by wattpad, that I will be removing the entire series. There is no second, third, fourth etc book without the first. I’m pretty sure I will then take my leave of wattpad entirely, and publish in hardback book form. These stories are all backed up and time stamped so they are all safe and sound :) but I just wanted to give a pre warning incase they do disappear. It won’t be because I want to x :) 


@SPenBooks any news about the book ? Still worrying a bit...


@SPenBooks I have downloaded Alberta. Hope it will stay. I m really waiting for next series.


@ghostlywonders yes, after I noticed something wasn’t right, I looked it up, and a lot of writers have had the same problem in recent months, their work getting pulled. 


Alberta and Rowans Choice are neck and neck right now on the way to 100k. Two completely different books, but with the same message “Love always finds a way”
          Who’s gonna nab it first?! 
          Also this will be my first book that hit that milestone, so I’m super proud they are almost there. It’s not about the numbers though, it’s about all the amazing people I’ve met along the way who’ve found solace in, cried, smiled, rolled their eyes, and maybe laughed a little at a page or two : ) 
          Thanks everyone for being here :) 


@Peewee211 love that, P. Thank you 


@SPenBooks the Jameson/Nomikos series will always be my favourite. However, I love Clark as well from your first books and now in Wren.




Hey author! first off, your Rowan/jupiter series is amazing, thank you. The Rowan and Andy duo is my favorite. So, I wanted to know, when you write, do you have a vision and just write or do you go by outline and a plan?? 


Awesome thanks for sharing ☺️


Hi, good question. So, with my series Alberta it’s all as I write, and I find planning kills my muse. I like to think of it has sitting and taking dictation for the characters. They tell me their story. With Rowans Choice, I had to have the outline planned somewhat, so I could weave the story in the right way for the final reveal. I knew the end, and then worked my way to it. Jupiter Rising is the same, even more so I had to know where it was going. It’s been a new journey for me, to change things up with a different genre, but I’ve enjoyed the challenge :) 


Just binged the Jameson/Nomikos saga.  *Lovely* stories.  I *literally* cried when (insert character) was forever reunited with their first and forever love, in Millie.  I appreciate how you're able to craft such a moving saga with new twists all the way through.


@SPenBooks, life comes first.  Take your time.  :-)


Ahhh thank you for sharing that with me :) i can’t wait to get back to them soon x 