
So it appears Beautifully Broken was Shadow Banned by Wattpad's new AI system. It's very unfortunate, but that has just reiterated that I'm making the appropriate changes for myself and my writing journey. I will be very sad to see my time come to an end on this platform, but I just don't see how I can stay at this point. It would take something big to change my mind.
          	A weekly update from behind the curtain: I'm currently 63k words into my newest project, while Beautifully Broken is being Beta-read by three friends. I'm also busy creating content to be more active across all of my social media accounts. I can't wait to share more with all of you!


@priscy0728 it appears to be fixed now, the rankings are back at least. :)


So it appears Beautifully Broken was Shadow Banned by Wattpad's new AI system. It's very unfortunate, but that has just reiterated that I'm making the appropriate changes for myself and my writing journey. I will be very sad to see my time come to an end on this platform, but I just don't see how I can stay at this point. It would take something big to change my mind.
          A weekly update from behind the curtain: I'm currently 63k words into my newest project, while Beautifully Broken is being Beta-read by three friends. I'm also busy creating content to be more active across all of my social media accounts. I can't wait to share more with all of you!


@priscy0728 it appears to be fixed now, the rankings are back at least. :)


Hi everyone! Hope this message finds you all well! Just a quick update. While I have been relatively quiet online, I have been busy working behind the scenes! 
          I now have over 40k words of a new WIP complete and I’m also busy building content for social media! I will keep you all posted on when my new launch happens. Can’t wait to share more with you!


@SaintlyScarlet 40k?? That's amazing! Congrats, and keep up the great work!


Hi, everyone! I'm sure you've noticed I've removed most of Beautifully Broken (planned) and all but six chapters of Under The Sugar Maple Tree (A bit unplanned). I have seen discussions of further changes to Wattpad's guidelines, and I don't want to see any of my books pulled down. While I'm not particularly worried about the age of consent and sexual relations change, I do understand that my writing style can be very detailed and graphic when it comes to other topics that may be triggering. 
          I want to respect Wattpad's wishes, but I also need to find a place where I feel free to write about everything I wish to write about. So, I'm unsure what that means for my time here on Wattpad. At the moment, I'm in a bit of limbo as I work on a few alternative options. I will let you know when I know more. In the meantime, please follow my socials (screen names in profile) as I plan to pick up my content posting in the coming weeks while I continue to write and figure out the next steps.
          I will still be on Wattpad, but I will not be posting new written content for now until I know more about how things will be playing out. Please bear with me and feel free to send me a message if you have any questions! : )


Yessssss. Join the dark side lol 


@MurielNocturnaFan I think I followed you back. Thanks! I’ll check out AO3. I am curious because I’ve heard a lot about it, even before all of this. 


So something strange is going on with Beautifully Broken. I started the process of trying to remove part of the book tonight by unpublishing chapters. I've been able to remove all my most recent notices, but Wattpad is not letting me remove actual chapters. Has anyone ever had this happen before?


@MurielNocturnaFan I was on my desk top. Even the notes I unpublished were still showing up for me this morning. I’m going to try again today and see what happens. 


Oh yeah, that’s a glitch. Check if you need to update the app, if not and you are on a phone, try restarting your phone. 


You may notice some things are still up, believe it or not I did not forget to take them down! I’ve been at a resort that had a fire wall up to prevent people from working and I haven’t been able to access the website via my computer. So the take down has been postponed a couple of days!


Happy March everyone! Sorry I’ve been so silent, I’ve been working through a few things writing wise. 
          I’m officially on the last 16k words of my BB rewrite! It currently sits at 175,000 words total. (Insert all the scull emojis here) Talk about an epic romance. 
          Anyhow, I plan to clean up my profile this week. Please do not be alarmed if you see a few things disappear. I’m still here. :)


@SaintlyScarlet WHOA, you're soooo close! Keep it up!


Hi everyone! 
          I just posted a message to Another to Catch to inform readers that it will also be removed soon, just in case anyone would like to re-read it as is. Though it’s further down my to-do list, I am currently plotting the re-write.
          In the meantime, I plan to complete the newest edition of Beautifully Broken (I’m sooo close!) and draft out Perfectly Imperfect. I also plan to add two additional chapters to Under the Sugar Maple Tree to round out that story and complete Louboutins & Lattes as a novella. Similarly, Sincerely Sarah will also be posted as a novella. The novella size is a compromise I’ve made for myself so I can continue to post these works while also juggling the full-length Novels. I intend to expand them later, but I want to continue posting to give you all something to read while the other books are being written.
          Beautifully Broken is still up at the moment, but we are getting closer to the day I pull it. I’m about 5,000 reads away from hitting the official 1.5 million mark. Which is a goal I would love to obtain before removing it. If you have anyone you'd like to share the current draft with, now is the time to do it. 
          I know this book wouldn’t be where it is now without all of you, and I’m forever grateful for that. You all have given me courage and inspired me to spin a story out of air, and it’s turned into a passion of mine. I know I say thank you a lot, but I don’t know that I can ever say it enough. So, again, thank you. :)


@SaintlyScarlet You're on a roll with your editing! Keep working hard, and I hope to see that 1.5 million SOON!! ❤️


98,000 words into the rewrite of Beautifully Broken. And approximately 5,000-6,000 reads away from officially hitting 1.5 million views! This is incredible! Thank you everyone for your continued support. I've just finished up the Debates of Desires in the newest draft. So I'm more than halfway through. I can't wait to share.


@SaintlyScarlet You know with your rewrites, are you putting them up on wattpad by editing your current chapters with the new ones or are those rewrites still on your computer? I've nearly finished mine, but it's SOO drastically different that I wouldn't be able to just re-edit what's here already cos there's new arcs, new chapters/shorter chapters, new scenes, and the story's evolved. How is it working out for you? I'm 31 chapters into my rewrite, furthest I've ever been, it's mad. New title, new cover, the whole works, but I'm holding on to it all because I feel like I can't just swap the chapters out cos so much has changed and the comments wouldn't make sense under them, but I know you can insert new chapters between old ones even though the views would show a massive discrepancy. Are you finding it a littler easier to transition your OG draft into its newer form? Especially because ppl know it so well as it is? Or has that been relatively uncomplicated?