
I feel like I haven't been here in years
          	I hated being away from wattpad but so much has happened over the time I've been missing. I kinda feel so out of touch here now. Like, I don't know if I still have those readers I once had, and for the new ones, I haven't gotten a chance to communicate or get to know yall. 
          	I haven't gotten a chance to write or update a book in over a year, and trust me it made me miserable. Imagine having all these ideas and a wild imagination and not having the time to put it out there. 
          	My job took everything and all my free time. 
          	However, I am on break now and I would love to get back into it. I'm not gonna make any promises that I'll be updating daily or anything but as of tomorrow I am setting aside about 3hours daily for writing. 


@Sebrina2005 thanks and I know all too well those struggles. The entire examination and all leading up to it can be alot man 


@SanC-Rylie I know what you mean. I don't work but I just completed high school the other day and boy it was time consuming with studying for cxc and completing SBAs. Glad you are back to writing and don't worry your readers are still here


          I am sorry if I am disturbing you guys. 
          I have started writing a story it is a mafia romance with a very intriguing plot. 
          It would mean a lot to me if you guys check out, currently only 2 chapter are uploaded but I am updating on a daily basis for this week 
          Soo please do check it out and let me know what you guys think 
          Here is the link to it :
          Please comment, vote and add it to your library. I swear it will be worth your while


✨I may know you, or I may not! But either way, your an amazing person!✨
          ❤️Never forgot that lots of people love and care for you in ways you could never imagine!❤️
          ⚡️ You are unique in your own way that it makes you amazing! ⚡️
           ☺️You even get celebrated once a year because of this! ☺️
          ❣️ You are a strong and amazing person ❣️
          I (@artemis899) started this chain because I believe that everyone deserves love! ❤️ Add your name below if you agree with this and send it on someone else’s message board that you either do or don’t know:


Hey crazy request I've read your assassin series and I'm obsessed with Kathleen amd Domonic's relationship so can you maybe write a story about them pleaseeeeeeee dont leave a girl hanging here i'm on my knees begging