
Hi everyone. I have definitely been way off the track for being on here except to read and respond to comments. I apologize for that. I've had a pretty rough couple of months trying to deal with personal issues as well as work and school.
          	I ended up opening an AO3 account and have been writing fanfiction to at least keep writing. I added the link to my profile in case any of you guys would like to continue to read my work until I can bring a story back here. Right now I am writing one-shots, but I do have plans for a full sized book. 
          	My question for you guys is would you like for me to bring the full sized story here with different names so it's not fanfiction?
          	I haven't given up on my other projects, I promise, but it's difficult to create something out of nothing.
          	I hope you all forgive me and continue to wait patiently for me. 
          	I love you all! You're the best followers I could ever as for!
          	I promise I will try to keep you all updated more and not disappear for months!
          	Talk to you soon,
          	Sara xx


Hi everyone. I have definitely been way off the track for being on here except to read and respond to comments. I apologize for that. I've had a pretty rough couple of months trying to deal with personal issues as well as work and school.
          I ended up opening an AO3 account and have been writing fanfiction to at least keep writing. I added the link to my profile in case any of you guys would like to continue to read my work until I can bring a story back here. Right now I am writing one-shots, but I do have plans for a full sized book. 
          My question for you guys is would you like for me to bring the full sized story here with different names so it's not fanfiction?
          I haven't given up on my other projects, I promise, but it's difficult to create something out of nothing.
          I hope you all forgive me and continue to wait patiently for me. 
          I love you all! You're the best followers I could ever as for!
          I promise I will try to keep you all updated more and not disappear for months!
          Talk to you soon,
          Sara xx


Hi everyone! I’m really sorry I’ve been so MIA recently. I don’t really have a reason. Work has been awful. I mean Ike close to quitting awful. But I’ve got great coworkers who I would definitely consider to be friends, so that helps. 
          I’ve also started a new semester at school. And I’ve got great news on that end! As long as I stay on track with my classes, I’ll be set to graduate by 2025. That has been my goal for the last two years, so having confirmation that it’s going to happen is such a relief. 
          Anyway, to the main point of this. I have been working on the book I promised (Royally Screwed). I’ll be honest, I almost gave up on the story, but I like the idea so much, I want to see it through. I’ve started working on the outline, although I haven’t made it very far. And that’s because I want your opinion! 
          So, thus far I’ve been writing the story as a omegaverse/ABO type story because that is what I originally planned, but I want to know your thoughts on whether or not I should continue it as such. 
          Honestly, it doesn’t affect the story that much whether it is ABO or not. It’s kinda what came in my head first as it was originally a fanfic idea. It can definitely be written as a normal story. 
          But I wanted to see what you all thought of ABO themes and whether you would read this story as such. So, I’ll leave this here for y’all to ponder and let me know!
          I’ll still continue the outline as it is until you guys say otherwise. 
          I hope y’all have a great September! 
          Speak to you soon!
          Love you all, 
          Sara xx


@Sara_Bryan_  sorry work has been bad, good luck with school and I can't wait for new chapters. If you feel completely with continuing as ABO then go for it if not then change it up I would read no matter which one you choose
            I hope you also have a great September!!


Hi everyone! 
          A late post for me, but just a quick update! 
          I have been sick for the last couple weeks and become annoyingly extra sick this week. Ended up going to an urgent clinic because my doctor refused to believe that I was sick, but I’ve got medicine now and I’m already feeling better. 
          Ah, so I’m almost done with the outline for the new story, which I finally have a title for!!
          Drumroll y’all!
          Royally Screwed! 
          It’s quite angsty actually, but it’s gonna be cute and fun as well, so don’t worry. Lots of fluff. Plus of course some mature themes if you know what I mean. Anyway, so depending on how I feel, I am going to try and finish the outline tomorrow and send out the synopsis as well! I’m actually quite excited about this story and while it is completely different from the dominant series, I think you guys will like it! 
          And speaking of the Dominant series, I may or may not have a small one-shot on the way and you call can thank Google for this idea. It’s going to be like the Valentines Day one-shot, but also different. I’ll have more information on that later though. 
          Anyway, that’s all I have for now!
          Hope to see y’all tomorrow!
          Sara xx


@ Sara_Bryan_  Best wishes for your health, take good care of yourself and I'm  looking forward to your new story ❤️


Hi everyone! 
          So for those who don’t know, today is my birthday and I’m so excited. For the first time all month, I have absolutely nothing planned. I’m literally going to be sitting at home and doing nothing!
          Anyway, as promised; a few updates. 
          So I was totally going to have a synopsis ready for you for the new story that will be on here. Literally had it ready to go and then I got a great idea and changed the whole thing up. So currently, I’m trying to rewrite the outline to put together a good synopsis. I’m shooting for the next couple weeks. 
          It’s still gonna happen, I promise. 
          I’ve also had a very busy month too, which contributed to my slowness. I was in the hospital (I’m fine now), I was in an accident (again fine and completely unrelated to the hospital visit), and to top it all off, a family member passed away. 
          But in between all of that, I’ve been writing and getting everything organized. 
          I’ve also FINALLY started rewriting ITTD. I’m only on the first chapter, but I’m hoping by the end of the year, I can start publishing it. And I will be keeping both versions up, the original will of course say that it’s the original and everything. 
          I hope you guys have had a happy June and I hope July brings you good things as well! 
          I’ll see y’all shortly!
          Love you all, 
          Sara xx


@ Sara_Bryan_  a very happy birthday xo


Happy Pride Month everyone!
          I’ve been struggling a little given the current climate of where I live and how it affects me and my friends. But I have a therapy appointment this week, so I’m going to try and discuss with her some ways to refocus my energy into something positive because I am tired of feeling dragged down all the time because people suck. 
          And in the spirit of that, I have news!! It’s good news, I swear! 
          I have been in the process of writing two separate books (they’re very, very early stages still). One of them will go on here as a new story and the other will remain as a fanfiction, which will be posted on my A03, eventually. I really want to start the book on here first because I have more started on that one. Plus, it’s been a year since I’ve actually published anything. 
          I don’t have a complete outline yet, but I am super excited about it! At the moment, my timeline is looking to have an outline and synopsis out to you all before June is over. This is going to be completely unrelated to the Dominant series and probably won’t include much explicit themes. I’m going for a more lighter tone with this story. 
          Will it still be 18+? Yes, of course. I couldn’t stop myself even if I tried. But, it won’t be as kinky. I think it’ll be a nice breath of fresh air!
          Anyway, I still haven’t finished writing the notes for ITTD. That’s another goal I have for June too, so I’ll keep y’all updated as I finish up that as well. 
          I hope, wherever you are, you all have a safe, happy, lovely June and Pride Month. Be careful, I love you all, and if you need someone, my DM’s are always open!
          Talk to you soon!
          Sara xx


Hi everyone!
          Happy May! I hope everyone is doing well!
          I have a few announcements for the month. 
          First, I am on the final chapters of ITTD for notes. I hope to start rewriting it in June. Now, the question remains of would you like me to update as I go or wait until it’s all finished? I can’t promise regular updates if I publish them as I rewrite. 
          Second, speaking of ITTD, I have given much consideration over the last five or six months about publishing it. Once it’s rewritten, of course. I’m still looking into it, but I wanted to share the thought with you guys first. If it sounds like something you guys want me to pursue, let me know. I know that a few of you have expressed interest in it before. 
          Third, I have decided to get an AO3 account.  I will be starting a new fanfic story on there, hopefully next month. It’s still in the pre-writing stages now, but I am feeling good about it. 
          Everything on here will remain here of course, so don’t worry about that. This is about starting fresh. You’re more than welcome to follow me on there. My user is Sara_Bryan. It will take some time before anything gets published though. 
          Anyway, that’s all the news I have for now. 
          I hope you guys have a great rest of your May and I will see you soon!
          Love you all,
          Sara xx


Hi everyone! 
          I hope you all had a good April! I did, for the most part. 
          I have good news! After two failed attempts of finding a therapist I like, I think I may have finally done it this time! I have an appointment next Friday, so we’ll see how it goes and if I like them. I’ve definitely gotten worse over the last six months and I want to be better. 
          I found a great friend (although she is halfway across the world from me) and she’s already making plans for when we meet in the future. She’s starting to give me something to look forward to. 
          So, I’m starting to pick myself up. I cleaned my room for the first time in over a year (it still needs work, but I can see the floor again!). I’ve started painting again and I’m really excited about that project.
          I’ve even got a small story idea in the works (though I haven’t worked on it much). 
          For now, Sam and Annie’s story will remain cancelled. I want to finish rewriting ITTD and CFTD first. And then we’ll see. 
          Anyway, I’m going into May with hope. It’s not a lot of it, but it’s more than I’ve had in years. 
          I just want to thank you all for staying here and supporting me. It means more than you will will ever know!
          I’m sure I’ll talk to y’all soon!
          Love you,
          Sara xx


@Sara_Bryan_ that's great 
            Keep going      you can do everything you wish for


Hi everyone! 
          It’s been a while and honestly, I hadn’t planned to post anything, but I was getting ready for bed when it hit me. 
          I missed the anniversary of when Indebted to the Dominant exploded in reads. Although it went on for a few days, the 23 of March is probably a day that I’ll hold close to me just because so much happened within that week that I was not prepared for and I’m very happy to have had that happen. 
          You guys are the best people ever and even though I haven’t written anything in a while, I see all of the votes and comments and I get excited every time!
          I suppose while I’m here, I’ll give you a quick update. I am almost done writing my notes (I think I’m up to chapter 22) of ITTD. Once I complete the notes, I’m going to get the whole thing printed and start my rewrite from there. My goal is to have it rewritten by the end of the year and start republishing it by next year. Of course, if it gets done sooner, obviously I’ll republish it sooner. And I plan to have a new cover and everything and I’ll make a note in the description so every one knows the difference. 
          And then once I get that started, I’d like to start rewriting CFTD because let’s be honest, it’s probably the least liked one. Daniel is an A-hole and I’d like the fix that a bit. 
          Anyway, I hope you all are doing well and I’m sorry I’m not more active on here, but I’m trying to be better for you all. 
          I’ll post something soon,
          Love you all, 
          Sara xx


Hello everyone, 
          So, I’d like to say Happy Valentine’s Day, but I still hate it. 
          However, if you do like it, I hope you have a great day! 
          I am currently at day 8 of my vacation, although I’m having a difficult time enjoying it right now due to some personal reasons, but I’m trying my hardest to stay positive. 
          I do have some important news. I’ve come to a decision. It’s sad news and I’ve been debating about it for a while and I’m sure some of you could’ve probably guessed it. I feel like I shouldn’t say it today of all days, but I have decided to indefinitely cancel Sam and Annie’s story as well as Payton and Alex’s story. They will be removed from my profile upcoming and WIP list and I don’t have plans to work on them for the moment. 
          I do apologize. I know how much you all were looking forward to their stories. I want to write them so badly, but I have no inspiration anymore. It’s gone. 
          You should see the list of one-shots I have in the fanfiction book I have. It’s steadily growing of ideas that are never finished. 
          I will be taking a break from wattpad for a while. I’ll still be here to answer comments and such, but I won’t be writing for a while (not that I’ve written much anyway) but this way, you aren’t expecting anything. 
          Im sorry. I hope you’ll forgive me. 
          I love you all, 


Please keep both up!! I absolutely LOVE these books!!! They're what started my simple curiosity about BDSM (because my bff is a Dom and he's always willing to talk to me and/or explain anything I have ?s about) into full on (complete with Will smith FPOB voice)  "DAMN!!! I gotta me one a these!!!" 


@Sara_Bryan_ It's okay; it seems like you need some time to yourself, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that you should put yourself first.  And trust me, writing without motivation is a pain! So I believe that your decision was for the better.  I hope you enjoyed your vacation!