
Hi, I've recently noticed some unpleasant comments in ACBT. None of my stories nor I ship Ace and Luffy or anything like that! Apparently my stories show up when you search Acelu and I don't know why but I do not support this ship. Now, while I and others don't support it, please do not make comments insulting others or anything like that! I will not mention users who have commented but please do not make those comments on my stories again. I have deleted the comments I have seen. If you see anything else like this in my stories, please don't reply to them and just dm me! I will deal with them! :[


Since Wattpad has removed dms, please either reply to this post or post a message on my board to contact me. I’ll remove your post right afterwards. 


@Shiorya I don't wanna know how the heck that happened, but either way your stories are good! Don't worry bout that


@Shiorya  I'm sorry you have to deal with that but I just wanted to say I love your stories.


Me entristece saber eso me encantó, ¡mucho tus historias! son muy buenas y te quería pedir permiso para ASER unas tradiciones a mi idioma original (español) prometo dar créditos pero si no está bien.


@ 1029nadie  okey 


@1029nadie Thank you so much for reading my books! I'm so glad you enjoyed them, but I don't want translations of my stories.


@ 1029nadie  It saddens me to know that. I really loved your stories!
            They are very good and I wanted to ask your permission to translate them into my original language, I promise to give credits 


Hi, I've recently noticed some unpleasant comments in ACBT. None of my stories nor I ship Ace and Luffy or anything like that! Apparently my stories show up when you search Acelu and I don't know why but I do not support this ship. Now, while I and others don't support it, please do not make comments insulting others or anything like that! I will not mention users who have commented but please do not make those comments on my stories again. I have deleted the comments I have seen. If you see anything else like this in my stories, please don't reply to them and just dm me! I will deal with them! :[


Since Wattpad has removed dms, please either reply to this post or post a message on my board to contact me. I’ll remove your post right afterwards. 


@Shiorya I don't wanna know how the heck that happened, but either way your stories are good! Don't worry bout that


@Shiorya  I'm sorry you have to deal with that but I just wanted to say I love your stories.


Btw, If anyone knows who the art on my book covers belong to, please tell me! I took those images from Pinterest a long time ago and I can't find the artists for the life of me. So please message me if you know so I can credit them correctly!


ACBT is officially over! Now that it's over, I'm unsure what to do next. I've always wanted to publish an original story but I feel like the readers on this account aren't suitable for that. 
          I'm not sure about more one piece fanfiction for those wondering. I don't think I'll start a long story like ACBT or ASC in the near future, but maybe? Not unless I have a frikin wonderful idea haha.


@ Shiorya  the ending is really sad and take your time to make a wonderful fanfic again❤


ACBT chapter will come soon! I promise! D: (frikin love school haha /s)


This book is literally the only reason I keep getting on Wattpad! Lol


@Shiorya Take ur time!! We all love the book!! Don't worry about constantly updating (even tho we'd appreciate it if u did) we know how hard school is!!


'A Cross Between Time' is officially being continued!
          Some chapters before 'Back to the future' will be altered and every chapter after that will be unpublished.
          After all the needed changes for the new ending are made *it won't take long*
          I will start writing a continuation and ending for ACBT.


@Shiorya yay! I'm glad to hear you picked up writing again! I haven't read your stories yet bc I'm trying to wait till I finish one piece b4 I read any fanfics to avoid spoilers but that hasn't stopped me from adding them to my library! And your stories are at the top of my to read list once I'm done watching it!


Hello there, Shior here!
          Just wanted to check in after, well, discontinuing all of my stories at once.
          It’s been wonderful writing here, but I can no longer do that.
          I might pick up writing again in the future but, I can’t at the moment for the previously mentioned in my important message chapters. Some personal issues and other stuff I won’t disclose for the public. I’m very happy to hear so many people leaving kind messages in the comments. It’s quite the surprise so many people liked my stories. Thank you for that by the way ^^ 
          I probably won’t be writing anymore OP stories or stories at all.
          If I do pick up writing again, it would probably be of the fandom I am currently in or a different one. (Or maybe a completely different original story?? Would anyone even read that lmao?)
          Thank you for all the love and support.
          See you in another story.


@Shiorya It is okay although I am kind of sad that these stories will not be continued they were all really good