
Hello, I've just started my first book and it would mean the world to me if someone other than myself read it and gave me some feedback!! The name of the book is 'Bitter Boy' and you can find it on my profile. Also, I LOVE this author's books so mich :D


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I can’t stress this enough! A Mouth Full of blood was so fucking good!! Seriously I ended up pulling a all-nighter just so I could read it. The first book seemed kind of lackluster with the ending, but once I finished the second book it all seemed to click perfectly. I’m so excited to start the 3rd book!! Also Iv never been one for any kind of romance themed book nor movie, but hot DAMN is this series good!! I hope in the future you decide to work on similar stories/projects or maybe even get them published, I’d kill to get a physical copy just to leave notes on the pages for any thought that comes to mind while reading it!! 
          ~Tanis <3


I loved your story mate massacres. I’ve always been a fan of werewolf stories and lgbtq stories as well. I was sad the story was coming to and end when I started it last Friday but imagine my happiness when I saw it had a part two! Love that story so much <3