
What should I write next? 
          	Yes I added a "book" to get peoples thought and opinion on it! Be aware this is not a poll to win, but just a way for me to get a feel of what people want. In the end I will still focus on the books I have the most fun writing!


What should I write next? 
          Yes I added a "book" to get peoples thought and opinion on it! Be aware this is not a poll to win, but just a way for me to get a feel of what people want. In the end I will still focus on the books I have the most fun writing!


Hello everyone! Just wanted to give an update and other stuff!
          I started posting The Tear of Celeste on Ao3 at a friend's request. Wattpad will still be my primary publishing form, so any story posted on Ao3 will only be AFTER the full thing has been posted on Wattpad.
          I am working on some different stories, but none of them have really pushed the hyperfocus button yet, but I am still writing and enjoying it!
          I thought about making a "Book" that is mostly just a teaser to the different stories going on in my mind, and maybe using it as a way for people to "Vote" on what they want to see next, but probably won't until I have some more stories under my belt :3
          Just a reminder that The Queen of Jotunheim is finished in my docs, but will still be posting a chapter per week so there will still be some activity on my account while I write my next story.
          I hope you all are having a great year so far, and if you are not, I hope it gets better soon!


˚◦○◦❅◦○◦˚MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!˚◦○◦❅◦○◦˚ 
          In Denmark and other Nordic countries, it is normal to celebrate Christmas on the 24, so I wanted to share a bit of cheer this holiday whether you celebrate or not. 
          So instead of just getting one chapter yesterday of "The Queen of Jotunheim" you will also get one today as well as another tomorrow! It seemed rather fitting to give you more chapters of my lovely Ice Queen this cold December along with the warmth her and Loki's story might give you! 
          ˚◦○◦❅◦○◦˚Merry Christmas to all and Happy Holidays all around!˚◦○◦❅◦○◦˚


I have finished The Queen of Jotunheim! 
          Does this mean I will start posting daily like I did with The Tear of Celeste? No! Because I don't want to burn out again and I want to give myself more time to write the next story and not have to go on half a year hiatus or worse!
          It does mean the book is guaranteed to be complete! So look forward to that :3 
          Happy reading!


          My original plan was the post the first chapter of my book tomorrow, but seeing as I'm way too excited and the first two chapters are very connected I decided instead to post the first chapter today and the second tomorrow as a treat to you all for being so patient with me :D
          After that, it will be weekly updated on Saturdays! I hope you all love the story as much as I love writing it! 
          So, without further ado.
          The Queen of Jotunheim


Life is going better, and while I'm still not done with my next book, I'm confident enough to start posting it next week! It will be a Loki POV story written in the third person. 
          It will be with romance, but it won't be Y/N as I had a specific character in mind! But that does not mean you can't put yourself in the girl's shoes! 
          If you want your name to show up I will recommend using the lovely browser extension called: "POV Wattpad Y/N Replacer" because you can change any word into anything with it, so you can change the name of the female lead into your own if you like! 
          As for the story, well, here is a little teaser 
          The voice rang out over the battlefield, its sheer power causing even the icicles above them to shudder along with the people fighting below. The command carried an authority that could not be ignored, commanding the attention of all who heard it. 
          In an instant, everything came to a halt. The combatants ceased their fighting, turning towards the source of the voice. The Jotuns regarded it with a knowing look, while the Asgardians stood in shock. A profound stillness settled upon the battlefield as if time itself held its breath. 
          Oh my! Who could this be and when does this happen? 
          I will give some hints. This is a kind of "What if" story where I take one of the original scenes and change one thing, and it will spiral into a whole new story. But while you can guess what the original scene might be, can you guess what I changed? And how it will change the story?
          Well, you will just have to wait until next week
          I hope you enjoy the story as much as I have enjoyed writing it! It's a bit longer per chapter than The Tear of Celeste, but hopefully, that means you won't be content-starved for too long 
          See you all next week!