
Hey guys, I'll be doing a minor update to the chapter titles to show what day and weekday it is so you can follow it a bit better. 


@sunshinerayzz Yeah, it makes it easier on me too lol


Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to say. I'll be discontinuing chapter uploads for Paralyzed Hope after Chapter 15. "Dude why would you do that?" I bet you are asking. Well, let's take a look back as to why I posted it here.
           I posted it here for beta reads. My family and friends are not supportive of my writing and my choice to make it a career. I got a lot of my support and insights about how my book was from you guys. I'm so freaking grateful and blessed you even gave it a chance after the first chapter. The first chapter is hard for people to read, is something that I have also found it. 
          Anyways, I want to make my dream come true by having Paralyzed Hope published. So that means I have to query a lot of agents without having my work on the platform or exposing too much of the book. I found out that a lot of agents aren't too happy about it being published on other sites already. The book will stay up until an agent accepts it but will not go past chapter 15.
           Since you guys were all so amazingly supportive though, I'm offering 5 spots for perm beta readers for Paralyzed Hope. You'll be able to read it until the very last edited sentence. If you'd like to participate, comment, and follow my Twitter or private message me. 
          I'm sorry guys, I feel bad but its been 4 years in the working and I'm not stopping until I accomplish my dream. 
          P.S. I'm still going to be active on here. Still reading everyone's great stories and soon I'll put up another book just for Wattpad. Have a great day, stay safe. 


It’s good that you know what you want to do with it! Good luck!!✨❤️


Hey congrats on 100! Also, thank you for the follow, and for voting on my story We Will Be Crashing Shortly! Welcome to the Baby Carrots, and I hope you have a wonderful day ☺️❤️