
Updates for today:
          	 Miraculous Short Stories Book 3. Three No's and A Yes. Part 3 is Published.
          	  Multi-Fandom two-shot folder 1. Bosses Day Part 1 Published.


No copy cats for the cover or stories/plots allowed.


Hey, today I applied to college again, but one I have never gone to before and I hope to get in so I can work on the Bachelor of Arts with a Concentration in Creative Writing!  I am so excited. Only one more college to send information to request transcripts from to be sent to the other college. 
              Right now I am listening to Blinda's record, Big Big Love. It is one awesome record. I mean a literal record since I have a record player inherited from my Uncle Dewey who went to heaven two years ago.
               Anyway, I will try to get some more awesome updates out there for you all to read.  Are there any special requests for a story  I have not written already? 
            Thanks, owlets!
          Summer Cheng @SummerCheng37


Updates for today:
          1. It Took a Child. Chapters 45 and 46 are Published.
          2. Miraculous short stories book 3. Three No's and a Yes. Part 1 is Published.
          3. Prryha Nikos Life in The Parallel World. Chapter 6 is published. *A Rwby Fanfiction."
          4. The Rich Boy and The Homeless Girl. Chapter 22 is Published.
          5. Miraculous Icy and Milkshakes. Chapter 5  is Published.


Update for today, Saturday, June 1, 2024:
          It Took a Child. Chapter 40 is Published. *Goodness, I got more chapters completed for this story than I expected to write. It still has a long way left to go.  Enjoy this chapter told from Sarah's (my original character) point of view.* 
          Do not copy the story or the cover.
          Today makes only 15 days away from Father's Day, 16 days til VBS at church, and in 22 days my son goes to summer camp for a week. So that is what June is to me, and it is hot outside! It is 72 degrees Fahrenheit now, but it is supposed to get up to 83 today.


PPS. I woke up with a nosebleed in my right nostril, it was dripping blood, when I woke up. Yuck!  Anyway, it has stopped for now.


I am not sure if I will update anything else today or not. I might wait til tomorrow afternoon for more updates. It is almost lunch time here, and after lunch sometime I plan to get into the swimming pool. Yes, we have a small one now. By we, I mean my husband, son, and I have one at our house.
                  Oh, and one more thing, 2 of my dead zucchini plants came back, so I am calling them my Lazarus zucchini plants!
                That is all for today's news.
            little owlets!
            Summer out!
            PS. Very itchy due to all the mosquito bites, and maybe some chigger bites as well.


Updates for Friday, May 31, 2024:
          1. Miraculous Icy and Milkshakes. Chapter 3 Published.
          2. It Took a Child. Chapter 39 Published. (This story is rated Mature because it contains trigger items such as abuse, scars, burns, violence, and rape. It also deals with depression, stress, and other serious topics.)  Not recommended for anyone under 17.


Updates for  Thursday, May 30, 2024:
          1. It Took a Child. Chapter 38 Published.
          2. Miraculous Icy and Milkshakes. Chapter 2 Published. *It is a fanfiction new story that I just started last night. 
          3. She Comes From Another Time. *Sequel to My Boyfriend is Trapped in Time.* Chapter 16 Edited.  Chapter 17 Published/ Posted.
          4. Watch Out for Vampires. Chapter 19 Edited. Chapter 20 Published. *It is a General Fiction/ Horror/ Paranormal story.*
          5. Stranded II (2). *Sequel to Stranded 1 AU*  Chapter 14 is Published.


Do not copy the covers or the stories.


Updates for today, Wednesday, May 29, 2024:
          1. Multi-Fandom two-shot folder 1. Take My Hand (Ladrien) part 2 Published.
          2. The Rich Boy and The Homeless Girl. Chapter 21 Published.
          3. Prryha Nikos Life in the Parallel World. Chapter 5 Published. * A Rwby fanfiction.
          4. Miraculous Icy and Milkshakes. Copyright and Chapter 1 Published. *It is an original story that I just made up.  Read it to discover more about the story.